Seminar The Impact of Child Care Subsidies on Child Well-Being: Evidence from Geographic Variation in the Distance to Social Service Agencies
- Detail
- Kategori: Agenda
- Dilihat: 1819
Student Service Center (SSC) FEB UGM bekerjasama dengan Program Magister Sains dan Doktor FEB UGM akan mengadakan acara seminar dengan judul "The Impact of Child Care Subsidies on Child Well-Being: Evidence from Geographic Variation in the Distance to Social Service Agencies" pada hari Jumat, 29 November 2010 jam 09.30 - 11.30 di Auditorium BRI Lt. 3 Gd. Magister Sains dan Doktor.
Erdal Tekin
Associate Professor Departement of Economics, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies Georgia State University and Research Associate National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
Elan Satriawan
Dosen FEB UGM, Wakil Direktur Pusat Studi Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Publik (PSEKP) UGM
Informasi lengkap dan pendaftaran langsung silahkan hubungi bagian Admisi Program Magister Sains dan Doktor FEB UGM.