Innovation of Crowdsourcing Platform Achieved The 2nd Place on SBMP UNDIP 2017 held in Universitas Diponegoro
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Achievement
- Hits: 27085

Faculty of Economics and Business UGM's undergraduate students achieved the second winner on Semarak Bidikmisi Prestatif (SBMP) Universitas Diponegoro 2017. The team consisted of Hanif Ratnayunia Wijajna (Economics 2014), Abdul Qodri Susamto (Management 2014), and Arif Rohman Mu’tasim (Management 2014). They won the prize after eliminate more than a hundred competitors from other universities.
The event was an innovative paper competition which held by Keluarga Mahasiswa Bidikmisi (KAMADIKSI) Universitas Diponegoro. It’s started with abstract submission to got the big 50 teams and shorted to the best 10 after collected the full paper.
The final round of the competition was a presentation of the paper. Located in Universitas Diponegoro on November 10th – 12th, 2017, the finalist were from several region. Innovative idea that brought by FEB UGM’s team was crowdsourcing platform that integrate crowdfunding and open-source website to develop MSME’s technolgy based on ‘gotong-royong’ principle. This web-based innovation try to initiate the collaboration of sources owner and the MSME’s effectively and with the lower cost.
Brought up with this innovation, UGM delegation won the second place.
Source: Ratnayunia/FEB