UGM Student Won 3rd Place in PLN Unjuk Energimu 2019
- Details
- Written by Samuel
- Category: Achievement
- Hits: 1993

Universitas Gadjah Mada students who are members of Shazam team, Samuel T.M. Silitonga (Accounting 2015) and Galuh Sekar Utami (Mechanical Engineering 2015) succeeded in becoming 3rd place in the PLN Unjuk Energimu National Competition 2019 in VLOG category, held on 15 April 2019.
PLN Unjuk Energimu is a national scale competition held by PT PLN (Persero). The competition was held in the context of active participation of students and fostered enthusiasm as young generations who contributed ideas and innovation to the nation, especially in the electricity sector.
PLN Unjuk Energimu (VLOG Category) consists of 3 stages, pre-lim stage, online presentation, and finalist presentation. At the preliminary stage, each team creates a VLOG on "Unboxing SPLU" with a component of user experience, user review, and innovation to optimize SPLU (SPLU: Stasiun Penyedia Listrik Umum). Then the 10 best VLOGs will be selected as semifinalists and proceed to the online presentation stage. At the online presentation stage, the 10 teams who passed will carry out a 30-minute presentation via Video Conference with PLN's Jakarta Head Office. Then the 3 best finalists were selected and go to Yogyakarta to attend the finalist presentation. The finalist presentation stage is coupled with several activities that have been prepared by PLN, Team Building and Gala Dinner. The 3 finalist teams from each category have to present in front of PLN Management with open presentation and each team was given 10 minutes for the presentation.
Shazam Team from Universitas Gadjah Mada prepared the video concept in using SPLU for millenials who like outdoor activities, where it is greatly helped by SPLU to be able to charger electronic devices such as smartphones. Then in the innovation component, Shazam's team provided ideas and innovations in aspects of location/layout and digitalization. In terms of location/layout, Shazam team provided solutions to the placement of SPLU in public place and comfort in its use with seat and canopies. Then the digitization aspect, Shazam team gave the idea to make SPLU easy to find in the PLN Mobile application with the concept of location awareness and Chatbot feature for 24/7 customer service.
Source: Samuel T M Silitonga