FEB UGM Students successfully won The 1st Winner of Financial Inclusion Competition (KOINKU 2020)
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Achievement
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Selected competitively from 164 proposals submitted to Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK), Orientaru Team, consisting of Veronika Xaveria (Management-IUP 2016), Erica Lesmana (Accounting 2017), and Yudhi Permadi (Accounting 2017) have won the 1st Place of Financial Inclusion Competition (KOINKU) held by Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK) with this year’s theme "Women's Economic Empowerment through Financial Inclusion Programs".
KOINKU is a competition that has been regularly held by the OJK since 2014. Through KOINKU, participants are expected to be able to contribute ideas about innovations in financial inclusion models that can benefit the general public or the financial services sector.
The competition timeline starts from proposal submission. In this stage, ten best proposals were selected and had a coaching clinic from experts. In the final stage, presenters have to pitch their innovation in 10 minutes which are followed by 20 minutes of Question and Answer session. The judges for this stage are Edwin Nurhadi (Deputy Director of Financial Inclusion Development Otoritas Jasa Keuangan), Dwi Achirini Meirisa (Head Division of Portfolio Business PT. Mekaar Permodalan Nasional Madani), Dr. Ir. Nunung Nuryartono, M. Si (Dean of Faculty of Economic and Management IPB), Djauhari Sitorus (Head of Project Management Office DNKI), and Muhammad Ihsan (Assistant Deputy for Gender Equality Kemen PPA RI).
It is indeed not easy to be able to occupy this position, as the 164 teams who participated in KOINKU OJK 2020 came from 4 categories, namely academicia (lecturer and students), non-profit organization, research organization, communities, practitioners from banking industries, and civil society.
Orientaru Team offers the idea of bridging the gap between micro insurance providers with women in business and housewives through an integrated platform called SiReceh. The platform will be connected to the Point-of-Sales (POS) system and the users can buy the micro insurance directly from the platform. The announcement of winners is announced in the closing ceremony of BIK (Bulan Inklusi Keuangan) 2020 held by OJK on 5th November 2020.
Source: Sony Budiarso/Leila Chanifah Zuhri