UGM Student Take the Second Winner on Young Researcher Indonesia 2010
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Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) again held "Indonesian Young Researcher Electoral competition (PPRI) IX" for all Indonesian students aged 20-24 years. Presentation of the finalists second race took place on Monday, November 22, 2010 at Hotel Bumi Wiyata, Depok, West Java, peaked at 09.00 am on Tuesday, November 23, 2010 at 19:00 in the Widya Graha Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Jakarta.
A number of awards given to winners of three categories. The 15 finalists are from three subject areas of the race namely the Social Sciences and Humanities (IPSK), Natural Sciences (IPA), and Mechanical Science and Engineering. For each field will be taken three winners. They are entitled to the prize each winner I amounting to IDR 12 million to IDR 10 million winner II, and winner III IDR 8 million. The award is given by Ana Mustamin, one of the competition judges who also served as Head of Corporate Communications Department AJB Bumiputera 1912. Here's a list of the winners PPRI IX LIPI 2010:
PPRI IX field of social science
- Winner I: Arham Rahman, Asriyani Mappiwali and Andi Karmila Ning from Faculty of Languages and Literature, Universitas Negeri Makasar.
- Winner II: Azmi Basyarahil and Dani Aufar from Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Gadjah Mada. Title of research: "Efek Jera Maksimum Melalui Penerapan Hukuman Finansial Untuk Memiskinkan Koruptor: Analisis Social Cost of Corruption Pada Kasus Korupsi di BUMN/D Indonesia Tahun 2001-2008."
- Winner III: Susilo Harjono and Ravando from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), Universitas Gadjah Mada. Title of research: "Manusia Perahu sesudah Perang Berlalu: Menelusuri Jejak Pengungsi Vietnam di Pulau Galang Indonesia."
PPRI IX field of natural science
- Winner I: Ameilinda Monikawati, Inna Amandari and Sofa Farida from Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada. Title of research: "Aktivitas Kemopreventif Ekstrak Etanolik Herba Ciplukan (Physalis angulata L.) pada Kanker Payudara: Kajian Secara In Vivo dan In Vitro."
- Winner II: Azhari Nuridinar and Agus Muhar from Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Universitas Andalas.
- Winner III: Heng Herdianto and Yulianto Laksono Son from Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Science), Universitas Negeri Surabaya.
PPRI IX field of Engineering Sciences
- Winner I: Humaira and Irahayu Sudarwati from Faculty of Science and Technology, universitas Airlangga.
- Winner II: Nia Kurnia Sari from Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya.
- Winner III: Eko Wahyuning Pamungkas, Annas Muzzaki Sharif and Moh. Fadhli Abdillah from Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Sains dan Teknologi Nasional (ISTN).
Head of LIPI, Prof. Dr. Lukman Hakim revealed that Indonesian youth are expected to play an active role in innovation and invention that can be an alternative solution for the actual issues is growing. Research the teens, he added, geared towards the fulfillment of basic human needs and solving problems in the surrounding environment. "Topics and issues that made the object of research mainly deal with health, agriculture, food, education and humanitarian who utilize the potential of local natural resources or social and cultural issues which impact significantly on people's lives", he explained.
Meanwhile, Dr. Deddy Setiapermana, Head of Science and Technology Cooperation and Socialization (BKPI) LIPI explained that PPRI to-9 is expected to encompass beings researchers to develop the culture of young people to investigate for the younger generation and to increase appreciation of science and technology and facilitate the curiosity of researchers adolescent / young. He stressed that efforts to increase the nation's intelligence and scientific awareness for human resource development is a business that is very important for future generations be able to participate and follow the rate of development of science and technology. "Only countries that excel in the field of economics and mastery of science and technology alone will be able to take advantage of globalization", he added.
Source: whny