Call for Paper The 4th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Economics and Business (GAMAICEB 2016)
- Details
- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Call for Papers
- Hits: 5436
Publication Office of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) together with Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB UGM) invite participant for writing paper in The 4th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Economics and Business (GAMAICEB 2016) with the theme "Research, Production and Business Model Trilemma in ASEAN Economic Community."
Conference topics which will be discussed as follows:
- Shariah Accounting
- Forensic Audit and Accounting
- Sustainability Accounting and Reporting
- Strategic Management Accounting
- Internet Financial reporting
- Corporate Governance
- Public Sector Governance
- Marketing:
- Socio Marketing
- E-marketing
- Service Marketing
- Cross Cultural Marketing
- Tourism Marketing
- Human Resource, Strategy, Operation, and Innovation:
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Business Innovation and Modeling
- Supply Chain Management
- Quality Management
- Business Ethics:
- Business Sustainability
- Harm Issues in Global Business
- Finance:
- Financial Environment of Business
- Financial Management
- Stock Market
- Investment and Risk Management
- Islamic Business:
- Islamic Marketing
- Islamic Finance
- Macroeconomic performance and policy
- Public finance and fiscal decentralization
- Structural change and sectoral growth
- Industrialization and deindustrialization
- Impacts of globalization
- Shariah banking, finance and economics
- Urban growth, mega cities, and regional development
- Regional autonomy, competitiveness and decentralization
- Poverty, human development, and inquality
- ASEAN economic community
- Small Medium Enterprises
- Industrial clusters and growth
Important Date:
- Submission deadline for abstract: 14 September 2016
- Notification of acceptance for selected abstract: 28 September 2016
- Submission deadline for full paper: 28 October 2016
- Conference: 26-27 November 2016
To the participant, please make sure you read Submission Guidlines and for further more information please visit: or can contact: Hajanirina 085729501527
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