Seminar: Improving the Quality of Human Resources, Poverty Reduction and Inclusive Growth
- Details
- Category: Event
- Hits: 3359
Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada in commemoration of the 57th Anniversary held an Interactive Dialogue and Seminar on the topic "Improving the Quality of Human Resources, Poverty Reduction and Inclusive Growth".
Interactive Dialogue and Seminar will be held on:
- Day, date: Monday, September 10, 2012
- Time: 7:30 pm - Finish
- Place: R. BRI Auditorium, Building Science Masters & Doctoral Faculty
- Keynote Speaker: Dr. HR. Agung Laksono (Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare)
- Moderator: Prof. Dr. R. Agus Sartono
- Plenary Session: Dr. Elan Satriawan (Lecturer of FEB UGM) and Dr. Rabin Hattari (ADB)
Parallel Session 1
- Dr. A. Tony Prasetiantono
Title: Fiscal Sustainability: Electricity and Fuel Subsidies - Dr. Eko Suwardi
Title: Business Ethics - Boyke R. Purnomo, SE., MM
Title: Entrepreneurship and Financial Planning - Dr. Denni Puspa Purbasari
Title: Changes in Fertility - Dr. BM. Purwanto
Title: Cross-Cultural Marketing
Parallel Session 2
- Dr. M. Edhie Purnawan
Title: Innovation, Creativity, and the Right Brain - Dr. Mahfud Sholihin
Title: Activity-Based Costing and Management - Dr. Nurul Indarti, Sivilekonom, Cand. Merc. and Mita Widyawati, M.Sc
Title: Exploring Good Governance among Indonesian SMEs - Dr. Adji Artidiatun
Title: Berartikah Beauty and good looks?: Empirical Evidence from Public Procurement - Dr. Rusdi Akbar
Title: Government Institutions Performance Report: Media Accountability Moot?
Parallel Session 3
- Prof. Dr. Chess Sugiyanto
Title: The Money Transfer Preferences Remittance Recipients in Lombok Island - Dr. Sony Warsono
Title: Really Early Development of Accounting grounded in the Qur'an? - Dr. Amin Wibowo
Title: Why Strategies Fail Many Applied? - Prof. Dr. Indra Bastian
Title: Dichotomy Financial Reports and Economic Governance - Dr. Supriyadi
Title: Accounting Behavioral
Parallel Session 4
- Dr. Rimawan Pradiptyo
Title: Structural Money Laundering and Corruption in Indonesia - Dr. Budiono Sri Handoko
Title: Development Economics Micro and Macro-Structural Growth New - Dr. Gugup Kismono
Title: World of Work and Household in Culture Collective: Friend or Foes? - Drs. L. Suparwoto, M.Sc
Title: Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments (PSAK5S)
For information and registration please contact: Admission Office of Master of Science and Doctoral Programs, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada, Tel. 0274-580726, 524607-609