Lecturers Research Grant Presentation 2014
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Event
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Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) will organize Lecturers Research Grant Presentation on the year of 2014. As many of 51 research grant will be presented to public, schedule as follow:
Thursday, December 11, 2014
- A. Budi Purnomo Br., M.A.,
Title: Renewable Energy and Economic Growth in ASEAN
Time: 10 AM
Venue: Room P3.3, 3rd floor, Pertamina Tower Building - Prof. Tri Widodo, Ph.D.,
Title:- Fossil Fuel Consumption, CO2 Emission, and Economic Growth in Indonesia
- Does Energy Price Equalization Realy Occur in AEMI?
Venue: Room P3.3, 3rd floor, Pertamina Tower Building - Denni Puspa Purbasari, Ph.D.,
Title: Dampak Upah Minimum di Indonesia 2008-2010
Time: 9:30 AM
Venue: Kertanegra Room, 2nd floor east wing, FEB UGM - Dr. Wahyu Widayat, .M.Ec.,
Title: Analisis Kebijakan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan di Kabupaten Bantul
Time: 9:30 AM
Venue: Room S.326, 3rd floor south wing, FEB UGM - Prof. Mudrajad Kuncoro, Ph.D.,
Title:- Apakah Hipotesis Kuznets Berlaku di Indonesia? Studi Hubungan Ketimpangan Antarprovinsi dan PDRB Per Kapita 2000-2011
- Apakah Pola Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Pro-Poor and Pro-Jobs? Indonesia di Masa Pemerintahan SBY
Venue: Room P3.2, 3rd floor, Pertamina Tower Building - Eny Sulistyaningrum, Ph.D.,
Title: The Impact of Natural Disaster on Child Test Scores
Timel: 12 PM
Venue: Room S.326, 3rd floor south wing, FEB UGM - Prof. Insukindro, Ph.D.,
Title: Kejutan Fiskal dan Nilai Tukar Riil di Indonesia: Pendekatan Ketidakseimbangan Dinamik 1997 (III)-2013 (IV)
Time: 12:30 PM
Venue: Room P3.3, 3rd floor, Pertamina Tower Building - Rimawan Pradiptyo, Ph.D.,
Title: Analisis Regresi Multilevel Keputusan Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi di Indonesia 2001-2012
Time: 12.30 PM
Venue: Room S.305, 3rd floor south wing, FEB UGM - Prof. Dr. Samsubar Saleh, M.Soc.Sc.,
Title: Analisis Shock Fundamental Fiskal terhadap Sovereign Bond Spread Indonesia, 2004:Q1-2013:Q3
Time: 12:30 PM
Venue: Room U.303, 3rd floor north wing, FEB UGM
Monday, December 15, 2014
- Irwan Taufiq Ritonga, Ph.D.
Title:- Analysing Service Solvency of Local Governments from Accounting Perspective: A Study of Local Governments in Java and Bali, Indonesia
- Pengklasteran Pemerintah Daerah untuk Memaksimalkan Analisis Kondisi Keuangan
- Analisis Pengaruh Dana Otonomi Khusus, Pendapatan Asli Daerah dan Belanja Modal Terhadap Kemiskinan pada Kabupaten/Kota dI Provinsi Aceh, Papua, dan Papua Barat
Venue: Room S.305, Third Floor South Wing - Mamduh Mahmadah Hanafi, Ph.D.
Title: Price Impact and Trading Behavior of Foreign Investors: Evidence from Indonesia Stock Exchange
Time: 10 AM
Venue: Room P3.2, Third Floor Pertamina Tower Building - T. Hani Handioko, Ph.D.
Title: Pengaruh Kurvalinier Kepercayaan Intratim pada Kinerja Tim Ongoing: Peran Pemoderasian Interdependen Tugas
Time: 11 AM
Venue: Room P3.3, Third Floor Pertamina Tower Building - Sari Winahjoe S., M.B.A.
Title: Mengukur Inventori Komitmen Relijius dan Orientasi Berbelanja Perempuan Muslim Indonesia: Perbandingan antara Hijabers dan Non-Hijabers
Time: 11 AM
Venue: Room P3.2, Third Floor Pertamina Tower Building - Eddy Junarsin, Ph.D.,
Title: Dampak Perubahan Fraksi Harga dan Satuan Perdagangan Saham pada Variabel Bid-Ask Spread, Depth, dan Volume Perdagangan di Bursa Efek Indonesia
Time: 3 PM
Venue: Room T.300, Third Floor East Wing
Tuesday, December 16 2014
- Mahfud Sholihin, Ph.D.,
Title:- Examining the Impact of Ethics Education on Earnings Management Judgment: A Quasi Experiment Approach
- The Effects of Continuous Monitoring and Dispositional Risk-Averse Preference on Managers' Project Evaluation Decisions
Venue: Room T.300, Third Floor East Wing - Supriyadi, Ph.D.,
Title: Perbandingan Kode Etik Akuntan Profesional di ASEAN
Time: 9 AM
Venue: Room T.300, Third Floor East Wing - Bayu Sutikno, Ph.D.,
Title: Religiusitas dan Kesalehan Sosial yang Dipersepsikan Kunsumen Muda
Time: 9 AM
Venue: Room P3.2, Third Floor Pertamina Tower Building - Nurul Indarti Sivilekonom, Cand. Merc., Ph.D.,
Title: Knowledge Management Maturity in The Construction Industry: An Instrumental Development
Time: 11 AM
Venue: Room P3.2, Third Floor Pertamina Tower Building - Muhammad Edhie Purnawan, Ph.D.,
Title:- Analisis Kebijakan Moneter dan Pengaruh Harga Minyak Dunia Serta Fed Funds Rate terhadap Perekonomian Indonesia
- Analisis Pengaruh Kejutan Nilai Tukar Riil terhadap Neraca Perdagangan Bilateral Indonesia-Amerika Periode 2000.1-2012.4
Venue: Room P3.2, Third Floor Pertamina Tower Building
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
- Singgih Wijayana, Ph.D.,
Title:- The Information Content of Financial Information of Indonesian Public Listed Firms Under Adopted Accounting Standards
- The Effect of IFRS Adoption and Managerial Ability on Earnings Quality of Indonesian Public Listed Firms: Evidence from Cross-Listed Firms
Venue: Room T.300, Third Floor East Wing - T. Hani Handoko, Ph.D.,
Title: Pengembangan Skala Kepemilikan Psikologikal pada Konteks Budaya Indonesia
Time: 09:00 WIB
Venue: Room S.305, Third Floor South Wing - Prof. Jogiyanto Hartono M., Ph.D.,
Title: Persepsi dan Personalitas Penggunaan Sistem Teknologi Kantor Nir-Kertas
Timel: 10:00 AM
Venue: Room S.307, Third Floor South Wing - Prof. Tandelilin Eduardus, Ph.D.,
Title:- Struktur Modal dan Persaingan: Pengujian Teori Trade-Off dan Signaling di Bursa Efek Indonesia
- Depositors Behavior under Different Deposit Insurance Coverage in Indonesia
Venue: Room S.305, Third Floor South Wing - Heni Wahyuni, M.Ec.Dev., Ph.D.,
Time: Partisipasi dalam Organisasi Masyarakat, Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan Prenatal, dan Kesehatan Bayi (Infant Health): Econometric Analysis
Time: 1 PM
Venue: Room T.300, Third Floor East Wing
Thursday, December 18, 2014
- Gugup Kismono, Ph.D.
Title: Pengaruh Keadilan Organisasional Persepsian pada Sinisme Pegawai atas Perubahan Organisasional
Time: 9 AM
Venue: Room S.305, Third Floor South Wing - Dr. Sahid Susilo Nugroho, M.Sc.,
Title: The Antecedents of Online Customer Loyalty
Time: 10 AM
Venue: Room S.305, Third Floor South Wing - Prof. Jogiyanto Hartono M., Ph.D.,
Title: IT Investment Impact on Accounting and Firm's Values Moderated by Strategic Grid Quadrant
Timel: 10 AM
Venue: Room S.307, Third Floor South Wing - Muhammad Ryan Sanjaya, M.Int.Dev.Ec.,
Title: Analisis Diskriminasi Gender pada Pasar Tenaga Kerja Indonesia
Time: 10 AM
Venue: Room T.300, Third Floor East Wing - Nurul Indarti, Ph.D.,
Title: Mekanisme Transfer Pengetahuan antar Generasi: Studi pada Perusahaan Keluarga di Indonesia
Time: 11 AM
Venue: Room S.307, Third Floor South Wing - Fu'ad Rakhman, Ph.D.,
Title: Financial Performance and Election Year: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia State-Owned Enterprise
Time: 1 PM
Venue: Room S.307, Third Floor South Wing - Prof. Bambang Riyanto L.S., Ph.D.,
Title: Personalitas dan Skeptisme Profesional Auditor
Time: 1 PM
Venue: Room T.300, Third Floor East Wing
Friday, December 19, 2014
- John Suprihanto, Ph.D.,
Title: Studi Tentang Pola Manajemen Menumbuhkembangkan Pelaku UMKM Melalui Pendidikan Berbasis Ekstrakurikuler Ekonomi Kreatif: Kasus di SMKN 1 Kecamatan Kokap Kabupaten Kulon Progo
Time: 9 AM
Venue: Room S.305, Third Floor South Wing - Dr. Budi Santoso, M.Bus.,
Title: Pengaruh Dukungan Rekan Kerja pada Kreativitas Karyawan dengan Otonomi Kerja dan Efikasi Diri Kreatif Sebagai Pemoderasi
Time: 10 AM
Venue: Room S.307, hird Floor South Wing - B.M. Purwanto, Ph.D.,
Title: Understanding Redenomination: A Note from Society's Mental Map
Time: 11 AM
Venue: Room S.305, Third Floor South Wing - Prof. Basu Swastha Dharmmesta, Ph.D.,
Title: Changing Faces: Opinions About the Opinion Leaders
Time: 1 PM
Venue: Room S.305, Third Floor South Wing - Syaiful Ali, Ph.D.,
Title:- Do Costing Systems Affect Information Systems Outsourcing Decisions? An Indonesian Case
- The Influence of Risk MAnagement Strategy on Information Systems Outsourching Decisions: An Indonesian Study
- Factors Influencing The Implementation of Information Systems (IS) Investment Chargeback System: Empirical Evidence From Indonesia
Venue: Room S.326, Third Floor South Wing - Prof. Marwan Asri, Ph.D.,
Title: Herding Behavior and The Direction of Market Stress: A Test of Inconsistent Behavior in Indonesia Capital Market
Time: 2 PM
Venue: Room S.307, Third Floor South Wing - Su'ad Husnan, Ph.D.,
Title: Pengaruh Faktor Ekonomi, Industri dan Fundamental terhadap Profitabilitas Bank di Indonesia pada Perioda Sebelum dan Setelah Krisis Keuangan Global 2008-2009
Time: 3 PM
Venue: Room S.305, Third Floor South Wing - Prof. Goedono, Ph.D., CMA.,
Title: Transparansi Fiskal: Pengaruh Auditing pada Kinerja Pemerintah
Time: 3 PM
Venue: Room S.326, Third Floor South Wing - Prof. R.A. Supriyono
Title: Pengaruh Komitmen Organisasi terhadap Kinerja dengan Variabel Anteseden Persepsi Keadilan
Time: 3 PM
Venue: Room T.300, Third Floor East Wing - Dr. Sumiyana, M.Si.,
Title: Apakah Agregat Laba Perioda Akuntansi Mampu Memprediksi Gross Domestic Product? Negara-Negara Sedang Berkembang dan Perbaikan Metodologis
Time: 3 PM
Venue: Room S.307, third Floor South Wing
This presentation is open for public, researcher, lecturer, student, and practitioner, and for those who are interested to join to be participant please come directly before the event begins. For further information can contact: Mrs Intarini, phone: 0274 548510 ext 336 or mobile 081804075176 (SMS/WA).