Seminar Best Paper Award Jurnal of Indonesian Economy and Business
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- Hits: 2504
Jurnal of Indonesian Economy and Business will organize Seminar Best paper Award on:
Day, date : Saturday, October 17th, 2009
Time : 8 am to 1 pm
Venue : Andrawina Ballroom, Jogjakarta Plaza Hotel. Jl Affandi - Gejayan Yogyakarta.
- Ahmad Erani Yustika (Universitas Brawijaya)
The Transaction Cost of Sugarcane Farmers: An Explorative Study - Endri (ABFI Institute Perbanas)
Strengthening Financial System Stability Through Enhancing Intermediary Fucntion and Efficiency of Bank Pembangunan Daerah (Regional Development Bank) - Agus Eko Nugroho (LIPI-Indonesian Institute of Science)
A critical Review of the Link Between Social Capital and Microfinance in Indonesia
Moderator: Prof. Mudrajad Kuncoro, Ph.D. (Editor in Chief JIEB).
For registration and further information please contact JIEB Office, 3rd floor east wing FEB UGM, Jl Sosio Humaniora Bulaksumur Yogyakarta or through SMS with format: Name_DepartemenUniversitas to +6281804041144.