Vice President Republic of Indoneisa Review Pertamina Tower Development at FEB UGM
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the Vice President Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Boediono, M.Ec. who is also Professor of the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM opportunity to visit the University of Gadjah Mada University on Monday, October 17, 2011. After giving a public lecture at the Master of Management of Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada, one of the agenda of the visit Mr. Boed, so familiar greeting, is to review the construction of Pertamina Faculty Tower, located at Jl.Sosio Humaniora, Bulaksumur.
Accompanied by the Rector, Prof. Sudjarwadi M.Eng., Faculty Dean Prof. Marwan Asri MBA., Ph.D, and all the Vice-Dean, Mr. Boed arrived on the scene at 13:30 pm and headed straight into the lobby of the building that will become the new icon of this Faculty. In brief visit at the FEB, Mr. Boed seem listened intently explanation of the Project Planning Consultant regarding the design philosophy and plans for utilization of the new building. As is known, the current seven-story building called Tower Pertamina has reached the stage of completion of approximately 90 percent for ready use.
After reviewing the development of Pertamina Tower, Mr. Boed resume next agenda in the Senate Hall of UGM to dialogue with representatives of student Bidikmisi scholarship recipients.
Source: Rahmat