UGM Provides Quota of 3.442 for New Students from Written Test Line
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Prospective students who wish to join the National Admission Test for State Universities (Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/SNMPTN) are strongly advised to read this information. Prof. Dr. Ir. Budi Prasetyo, Widyobroto, DEA., DESS., the Chairman of the Local Committee of Yogyakarta, explains to reporters on Monday, May 7 at his office of Academic Administration Services Universitas Gadjah Mada that SNMPTN registration is officially opened on May 10 to May 31, 2012. The registration is on line by accessing the page "For those who have already signed up SNMPTN Invitation Phase and are awaiting the results announcement on May 28, they are as well welcome to inscribe.
As scheduled, SNMPTN Admission test will be conducted simultaneously on June 12 to 13 with one test questions applied for all test takers accross Indonesia. Whereas the Skills Test will be on June 14 to 15 in state universities that has study programs chosen. "In Yogyakarta, the skills test will be conducted in UNY according to the study program," he said.
SNMPTN registration process is similar to the previous year. What is bit different that this year students do inscription by transferring the registration fee via appointed bank. They will then receive registration access card and a registration number. Students are required to fill out information in the web page of SNMPTN. "For last two years high school graduates as well as last years’ they are as well given time in between May 10 to May 31 for inscription," said Prof. Budi Prasetyo.
Answering reporters' questions in anticipation of “joki” (a third party working illegally and paid to assist a test taker) through the online registration, Prof. Budi Prasetyo said that supervisor committee will attempt to perform the verification process one hour before the exam. This year UGM will accept 3.442 new bachelor students through SNMPTN test.
Source: gusti/ugm