KPK's Representative Office is a Reasonable Idea
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- Written by FEB UGM
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- Hits: 2948
Establishing a representative office of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in the regions is a reasonable idea given that corruption is not only occurs in the center government but also in the local government. Corruption in the regions need to be dealt appropriately with the establishment of representative offices, but the establishment of a representative office requires a lot of considerations. One of them is availability competent human resources. "Currently, the Commission has 1,200 employees, but only 89 people who can be the investigator" said Vice Chairman of KPK, Busyro Muqodas in a discussion titled "Potential Establishment of KPK’s Representative Office in the Regions" which took place on Friday, 28th March, 2014 at Auditorium Djarum Foundation, Pertamina Tower FEB UGM.
Systemic corruption has brought massive losses to the country. Not only in the central government, some reports also showed indications of corruption in local government. This fact is compounded by the many cases of corruption that are not thoroughly investigated because of constrained resources and limited means. "At a minimum, we should know that the urgency of the establishment of representative offices is very strong" said Arie Sujito, National Council of FITRA (Forum Indonesia untuk Transparansi Anggaran).
Based on the results of the research of FEB’s economist, Rimawan Pradiptyo, the establishment of a KPK’s representative office should be tested first. As a pilot project, the representative offices can be set up in 5 regions in Indonesia. When the results of the performance of the representative offices are good, it can be expanded to other regions. What Rimawan Pradiptyo delivered in line with what was delivered by the Director PUKAT, Zainal Arifin Mochtar. Zainal said that the establishment of a KPK’s representative office can be done in stages as the establishment of the Court of Human Rights.
Source: Arlina/FEB