Discussing Issues of ASEAN Business Environment With FEB UGM
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- Written by FEB UGM
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Starting today August 25th, FEB UGM presents International Week 2014 with the theme of ASEAN Business Environment. It takes place in Faculty of Economic and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. As the first international summer school arranged by FEB UGM, FEB UGM invites student representatives and lecturers of ASEAN and its partner universities to join the event. For this event, tremendous support is received from the ASEAN University Network, ASEAN Graduate Business and Economics Program (AGBEP), and ASEAN Foundation.
With the upcoming ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015, people begin to put more concern on the ASEAN region as the new axis for the world economy. Each ASEAN member states are expected to provide a continuous and significant contribution for the greater benefits of the ASEAN region. Through this program, it is expected that a greater number of the citizen of the world will have better understanding on ASEAN business and economy.
The participant of this program is 63 undergraduate and graduate students from 12 countries, including ASEAN, namely Indonesia, France, Netherlands, Germany, Portugal, Korea, Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Japan, and China. This program is designed as a media to enrich students’ international experiences academically and non-academically with a series of agendas including lectures, CEO talk the walk, Ambassador talk the walk, Eminent person talk the walk, company visit as well as a number of cultural events that enable cross cultural understanding among participants.
International Weeks warmly invites CEO from corporate top management such as :
- Darwin Silalahi that is going to deliver a discussion on The Scenario Approach to Possible Futures of Oil and Gas on Monday.
- Edimon Ginting Ph.D that is going to deliver a discussion on ASEAN Regional Economy, Industrial, and Sectorial Policies on Wednesday.
- Frederica Widyasari Dewi, S.E., MBA that is going to deliver a discussion on ASEAN Stock Market Development.
- Prof. Dr. Anwar Nasution, a former Deputy Governor of Indonesia Central Bank and former head of Indonesian Audit Board (BPK), that is going to deliver a discussion on ASEAN Economic Architectures.
- H.E. I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja, Directorate General for ASEAN in Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
With the above distinguished people, FEB UGM through International Week 2014 is providing an opportunity for its student to have intensive discussion and interactions with people from the professional sectors.
Also, to enable student gaining various academic perspective, lecturers from various countries and different research interests are invited as guest lecturers to share their notable knowledge with all the participants. Those lecturers are
- Prof. Adrian Borggreve from Saxion University (ASEAN Economic Community: Lessons Learnt F the EU Integration)
- Dr. Tn. Hj. Noor Nasir Kader Ali from University Sains Malaysia (USM) (Entrepreneurship in ASEAN)
- Prof. Dr. Sofri Yahya from USM (ASEAN Political and Geopolitical Environment)
- Prof. Indra Wijaya Kusuma from FEB UGM (Accounting and ASEAN)
- Prof. Tri Widodo, M.Ec. Dev., Ph.D. (ASEAN Regional Economy, Industrial, and Sectoral Policies)
- Dr. Hooi Hooi Lean from USM (Economic Development and Stock Market)
- Prof. Scott Don Villanueva Tibayan of DLSU (The ASEAN Business and Management)
- Dr. Astrid Kainzbauer of Mahidol University (Cross-Cultural Management in ASEAN)
In terms of academic activities, the program is designed to be able to accommodate various academics perspective from ASEAN Graduate Business and Economics Program (AGBEP) members’ academics. With the support of reputable academics from AGBEP member academicians, this program may enable its participants to broaden their knowledge and understanding on ASEAN from the experts.
Source: Nia/FEB