FEB UGM Successfully Held Annual Economics Jazz Live XXIII
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- Written by FEB UGM
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The annual jazz concert by Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada, Economics Jazz XXIII, was successfully held on Saturday, October 28th 2017, at Grha Sabha Pramana UGM. A day before the concert, Economics Jazz held its second Press Conference in Bogey’s Teras Hyatt Regency Hotel. The event which invited media fellows was filled up by A.Tony Prasetiantono as a promoter, band collaboration which consisted of Idang Rasjidi (keyboards), Mus Mujiono (guitar and vocal), Margie Segers (vocal), Yance Manusama (bass), Iwan Wiradz (percussion), Richard Hutapea (sax), and FEB UGM student Mahesa Santoso (drums); and also international musicians David Benoit, Patti Austin, and Michael Paulo. At this time, Isyana did not come because she had not arrived at Yogyakarta yet. In this Press Conference, these musicians “leaked” to media fellows about their performance on Saturday.
The concert was held exactly at 19.30 WIB and opened by a popular MC Choky Sitohang who sang Indonesia Pusaka to commemorate Hari Sumpah Pemuda. Before the concert was began, the audiences needed to sing Indonesia Raya. Economics Jazz Concert was amazingly opened by band collaboration which consisted of national musicians. To remind audiences’ old memories, popular songs at their era, such as “Tanda-Tandanya”, “Arti Kehidupan”, and “Semua Bisa Bilang” were played.
After that, Isyana Sarasvati opened her performance with “Mad” which was one of songs in her latest album “Paradox” which was just launched in September 2017. Isyana sang her popular songs like “Keep Being You”, “Sekali Lagi” (OST. Critical Eleven), “Kau Adalah”, and “Tetap Dalam Jiwa”. Other than them, Isyana also sang “Terpesona” from her latest album. In the middle of the show, Isyana gave a surprise for audiences by singing cover song “Closer” by The Chainsmoker.
There is something unique in Economics Jazz this year. Because this concert is a day after its promoter’s birthday, A.Tony Prasetiantono, Economics Jazz gave a surprise video for Tony. Afterwards, Michael Paulo, suddenly came from the corner of the stage playing his saxophone as a birthday present for Tony.
The concert was then continued by the performance of a legendary pianist who was popular with his smooth jazz music, David Benoit. With Paulo, they opened their collaboration with “Drive Time”. Benoit also presented his popular songs like “Kei’s Song”, “Freedom at Midnight”, and “Linus and Lucy”. After that, Patti joined at the collaboration by singing “Temperton Medley”. Patti successfully stole audiences’ attention by singing her pop-jazz songs which were raising her name like “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes”, “Baby Come to Me”, and “How Do You Keep the Music Playing” and still accompanied by Benoit and Paulo. This concert was also attended by Dean of FEB UGM, Dr. Eko Suwardi, M.Sc.; Rector of UGM, Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng.; Head of BAPPENAS, Prof. Dr. Bambang Brodjonegoro; and Independent Commissioner BCA, Cyrillus Harinowo.
Source: Acha/FEB