Dissecting the Indonesian Economic Problems
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- Written by FEB UGM
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On Friday (20/3), Faculty of Economics and Business UGM held book discussion. The event is one of a series of events Eminent Person Talk The Walk organized by the Faculty. On that occasion, the discussed book is "The Sum is Greater than the Parts" by Benny Subianto(Research Fellow at Harvard University, Harvard Kennedy School). The discussion also presented a speaker, Prof. Anwar Nasution (Lecturer at FEBUI), and moderator Muhammad Edhie Purnawan (Lecturer at FEB UGM).
The Sum is Greater than the Parts tell about the problems faced by the Indonesian economy. Fragmented Indonesian economy was still as in the VOC period. The statement was agreed by the two speakers. Indonesian economy fragmented causes Indonesian domestic production is less effective. As a result, Indonesian products were less competitive with the products of other countries. "Indonesia is not included in the global supply chain", said Prof. Anwar Nasution. Each problem was well described in each chapter of the book. "The absence of a quantitative survey and given the lack of a solution is the weakness of this book," said Benny Subianto.
Source: Arlina/FEB