PT Paragon Open Campus Recruitment in FEB UGM
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: News
- Hits: 3792
On Thursday (26/3), PT Paragon Technology and Innovation (PTI) recruited FEB UGM students and alumni to fill management trainee position in the field of finance, operation and distribution, brand and product development, and marketing development.
The event was held in the audiovisual room. It began with a brief presentation company profile and development of the company in its industry. Furthermore, after a question and answer session, a written test the first stage was done. The written test the first stage consisted of three parts, namely, academic potential test, test pauli, and a written interview test. Each test lasted one hour. Applicants who passed the written test the first stage, they would face a written test the second stage. In total there were four stages of tests that must be passed in order to officially become employees PTI. Campus recruitment was not only held in UGM, on the same day, the PTI also conducted similar tests at the University of Indonesia (UI) and the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB).
PT Paragon Technology and Innovation is a manufacturing and distribution of cosmetics. The products of the company include Wardah, Puteri, and Make Over. Over the past four years, PTI grow 80% per year with a range of up to 30 regional distribution operations. As proof of its success, PTI has received numerous awards including, Best CEO in 2013, the Economic Challenge Award in 2013, ICSA 2013, and Superbrand 2013.
Sumber: Arlina/FEB