Alumni Gathering FEB UGM Classes of 1950s
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- Written by Nindy
- Category: News
- Hits: 2085

"We used to have corporate economics, accounting and economics departments, but now it has changed into management, accounting and economics department. Agricultural Economics was the only one that does not continued in this faculty" said Prof. Marwan Asri, MBA., Ph.D. on Alumni Gathering FEB UGM Classes of 1950s. This alumni gathering lasted for couple of days and the purpose of this event is to treasure sweet memories in UGM together with alumni and their families.
The alumni gathering started on 19th of April, 2018 at 9.30 a.m and it took place on Learning Center Hallway FEB UGM. Prof. Marwan Asri, MBA., Ph.D. as the Head of FEB UGM Senate opened the gathering with opening speech and followed with Prof. Djoko Santoso Mulyono as alumni representative. Everyone were dressing up in red and were very enthused about the whole gathering, but after all catching up with their old friends was what made the afternoon felt so joyful.
Prof. Djoko Santoso said, "if I’m not mistaken, based on Kemenristekdikti research year of 2017, Universitas Gadjah Mada rank number 1 in Indonesia. That is why, we are very proud and honored being an alumni. I still remember that there are 20 tower in FEB".
Moreover, Harsono, Dr., M.Sc. and T. Hani Handoko, M.B.A., Ph.D. were present at the alumni gathering event. After the opening speech was finished, history book was given to alumni representative as an appreciation symbol. Alumni and families were welcomed with various kind of snacks and delicacy. Last but not least, everyone walking down the memory lane by having campus tour together.
Source: Nindy