FEB Student Executive Board Alumni Reunion UGM 2018
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- Written by Laksmi
- Category: News
- Hits: 1648

Sunday (13/5), Alumni Reunion was held by Faculty of Economics and Business UGM Student Executive Board with its main theme "Back to Jogja", (Indonesian, Kembali ke Jogja) and this event held at Learning Center Hall of FEB UGM. This event was one of many alumni plaform to share their knowledge to the Student Executive Board’s staff.
Certain differences stood up in this year’s Alumni Reunion. The three speakers are alumni from three varying decades. The first speaker, Anang Rohmawan, S.E., M.B.A., was the President of Student Executive Board for the period of 1995/1996. While the second speaker, Alfian Andre Yulianto, was the Vice President of Student Executive Board for the period of 2011/2012, and the third speaker, M. Akbar Fadzkurrahman, was the President of Student Executive Board for the period of 2013/2014. The insights which were given by the three speakers with an entirely different background has made the sharing session a more exciting vibe with broader topics.
As mentioned by the speakers, the main advantage of being a student who participates in several organizations is a real work ‘simulation’ that cannot be obtained by attending the classes in a daily basis. Anang Rohmawan conveyed that in the workplace, people who had participated in organizations were steps ahead of people who did not. In addition, he stated that students had to utilize this experience well.
When the moderator, Ahmad Najmi Ramadhani, the President of Student Executive Board for the period of 2017/2018, asked the speakers about the skills attained from joining the Student Executive Board, all three speakers mentioned similar things: communication skills, relationship management, and leadership skills. Communication skill refers to the art of speaking, the different ways to attract speaking interest, and the ways to minimize conflict by choosing the appropriate diction in communicating. Relationship management specifies the skills to adapt to various conditions and situations and also the art of positioning ourselves to face the differences among people in the workplace. Leadership point out about the art of leading, delegating workloads, and working in a team-setting as well.
Sharing session by then was continued with the QnA session and was closed with everyone having dinner together. Economics Session Band (ESB) performed some of their best music and made the nuance became more dazzling at the end of the event. Hopefully, this sharing session could be the moment for the current staff of Student Executive Board to be aware and actively contribute to solve problems among the society and specifically among the students.
Source: Laksmi Pramudhita