FEB UGM Alumni Shared Their Tips for Success in Career World
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- Written by FEB UGM
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After graduated, student will be faced some alternatives, such as continue studying S2, working in institutions/companies, or being entrepreneur. All of these alternatives have own risks and benefits. But, these alternatives have same goal, namely financial and non-financial success.
Career world is full of question mark for student. Based of this thought, FEB UGM and KAFEGAMA ’89 held "Sharing Session: Success in Study and Career". This event was held at Auditorium MM UGM on Friday (19/2). Alumni who has assigned in strategic position in many companies come in here and share their success tips.
They are Ms. Salomi Adriana (Head of HR Development at Indonesia Eximbank), Mr. Pramono Hardjanto (Vice President Audit at PT PGN), Mr. Agung Purwanto (Partner at Ernst & Young), Ms. Irine Wiguno (Head of BSM, Global Market at HSBC Bank), Mr. Joko Santoso (Chief Operating Officer at PT Margautama Nusantara), Ms. Suzana Chandra (Owner & Managing Director of PT Lestari, PT Udiyani Lestari Living (Amaris Hotel Bali Teuku Umar), and PT Adhi Karya Perkasa; Executive Vice President of PT Lestari Capital (BPR Lestari), dan Mr. Prabowo (Owner & Managing Director Maysa Tamansari Residence and PDR Financial Planner).
“I’m very happy to come back to FEB UGM family” said Salomi who is on duty in Medan and very pleased to come to this event. So do others alumni who are very pleased and proud because they can give some contribution to their campus where they grow up. Alumni as the speaker in this event conveyed information and key success in recruitment process, especially interview phase. Furthermore, they describe the career path in banking sector, public accounting company, property sector, and entrepreneurship.
“On behalf of FEB UGM, we are very pleased for your will to devote your time, because you are the person who select an employees candidate in front of you” said Vice Dean for Research, Community Services, Collaboration, and Alumni Muhammad Edhie Purnawan, M.A., Ph.D. FEB UGM is currently communicating and cooperating to FEB UGM Alumni who has been succeed in many companies or non-companies to increase the graduate student recognition.
Enthusiasm of student who joins this event is very high. Most of them are accounting students and some management and economics students. Indeed, this event was initiated by Accounting Department and this event is aimed for final year student actually. Head of Accounting Department Dr. Mahfud Sholihin becomes moderator for this event.
Source: Ikhsan/FEB