The enthusiasm of fresh graduate participating in the CPNS selection
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- Written by Andhika
- Category: News
- Hits: 2051

The number of potential candidates of Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) or Civil Servant has been predicted to reach 5 million registrants. The data in the official State Personnel Agency website,, had noted approximately 2.8 million applicants from all over Indonesia while the number of open job vacancies is 238,015 vacancies. Thus, it means that there would be an intense competition in this year.
For the purpose of giving better preparation to FEB alumni to compete in the selection of CPNS, the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) held a soft skills training at the Audio Visual Room FEB UGM on Saturday, 13 October 2018. The training was titled "Tips and Tricks to be CPNS" which was hosted by Ririn Mardiyani, S.E., M.Sc. She, who is also an Kafegama 1987 FEB UGM, is currently Head of Performance Evaluation and Reporting at General Finance Education and Training Center Ministry of Finance (Pusdiklat Kemenkeu RI) in Jakarta.
The enthusiasm for this event was high as it was attended by approximately 70 participants from various study programs in UGM and outside UGM. The session was opened by Ririn sharing her experience as a civil servant. "What is it being a civil servant? Loafing? small salary? Currently, civil servants are more prosperous than in the past when I became a civil servant,” as she said when she was starting the session by asking questions to the audience. She explained that it can be seen from the public interest to participate in the selection of CPNS. The amount of salary that would be received from the work system has been more prosperous than a few decades ago.
After that, Ririn explained what is needed to be prepared for the selection of CPNS. There are six stages that must be passed to be qualified and become a civil servant, namely online registration, file verification, selection of basic competencies, psychological tests, health and fitness tests, and the last one is interview. "The base to be successfully qualified in the CPNS selection is to follow the complete instructions and understand it completely. Don't be late, it is better to come three hours before than one minute late," explained Ririn while emphasizing an important point. Before proceeding to a profound explanation of the technical tests, the Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Cooperation, and Alumni of FEB UGM, Amirullah Setya Hardi, Ph.D., gave a response that many procedures and instructions that were often considered trivially, yet it was actually very important. "The ministry's business process concerns the lives of many people. Clear and clean. When registering the CPNS selections, it means you will all have to be exactly regulated in regulation", said by Amirullah Setya Hardi, Ph.D. In addition, he explained that the selection of CPNS was not a trial and error, "Entering civil servants was not a trivial matter. Becoming a civil servant is for serving the country and has been different (from the old civil servants, red)".
The sharing session was ended by the handover of a placard and souvenir to the speaker as the appreciation from the faculty to the speaker. Then, Ririn proceed to continue her explanation of the technical test which was ended by question and answer session. By the end of the soft skills training, Ririn gave a closing statement about the importance of intention to apply a job and followed by the blessing from parents.
Source: M. Andhika Satria Perdana