FEB UGM alumni from NTB formed KAFEGAMA Branch NTB
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- Written by Supiandi
- Category: News
- Hits: 1510

The Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) has produced more than 24,000 alumni from undergraduate, master and doctoral programs. Alumni FEB UGM who are spread evenly in 33 provinces in Indonesia and abroad, have worked in various fields, most of which work as bureaucrats, teaching staff, and other fields.
Given a large number of alumni with high quality, certainly, many positive potentials can be developed through a strong bond between alumni, including the contribution of ideas for the FEB UGM alumni in providing educational facilities and improving the quality of the science teaching. In addition to contributing to the alma mater, it is also expected that active communication between alumni may create a mutually beneficial networking potential for the alumni themselves. Currently, the communication with alumni is still one way so that the faculty seems to contact alumni when they need it.
Furthermore, FEB UGM needs the right place to communicate with all alumni so that information about the faculty and alumni can be well accommodated. For this reason, it is necessary to conduct a regional-based alumni meeting which serves as a place for alumni to exchange information and conduct activities and become a bridge between alumni, faculty and student. Responding to this matter, the alumni of the FEB UGM who came from NTB welcomed the activity by forming Kafegama NTB. Based on the results of the deliberation, Dra. Hj. Putu Selly Handayani, M.Si was elected as general chairman of Kafegama NTB.
The alumni meeting agenda began with a discussion on the topic of making the village into the centre of economic growth as well as pointing out the assisted villages in Sukarara Village, Jonggat District, Central Lombok. Five villages were selected for the pilot project, including Sukarara Village, Lingsar Village, Bayan Village, Kembang Kuning Village and Banjar Village. The event was attended by the Dean and Vice Dean of FEB UGM as well as Kafegama Center representatives. The discussion was led by Supiandi, SE., M.Ec. Dev. as daily chairman of the Kafegama NTB. The next event was the alumni meeting and the inauguration of the Kafegama NTB management at Lombok Raya Hotel, attended by alumni FEB UGM from NTB (Lombok and Sumbawa Islands).
Kafegama NTB Management: General Chairman: Dra. Hj. Putu Selly Andayani, M. Si, Daily Chairman: Supiandi, SE., M.Ec. Dev. Secretary 1: Dr. Muhammad Ali, Msi, Secretary 2: Dr. Dedy Heriwibowo, S.Si, M.Sc., Treasurer: Ir. Ary Purwantini, M.Sc, Treasurer 2: Ary Wahyuni, M.Ec.Dev. Some programs that have been compiled include forming a built village, Alumni Data Collection, Bimbel Preparing to enter UGM, and encouraging UGM students to do KKN in NTB.
Source: Supiandi