50% of Indonesia Citizen Are Not Yet Internet Literate
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: News
- Hits: 2079

Digital era is unavoidable challenge, including economics digital itself. Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) realizes and prepares itself to turn the challenge in to an opportunity. Today, 4th November 2016, FEB UGM held a CEO Talk the Walk titled The Development of e-Business and e-Commerce in Indonesia in BRI Room, Master of Science and Doctorate Program FEB UGM. The room was full with around 200 undergraduate, master, and doctorate students. Mahfud Sholihin, M. Acc., Ph. D., as the Head of Accounting Department delivered an opening speech. He said that the topic about digital economics is in line with the faculty’s plan in preparing itself to enter the digital economics era.
The CEO Talk the Walk was led by Nofie Iman, M. Sc. Danu Wicaksana, Managing Director Berrybenka, a fashion e-commerce company which was born in 2012. In his presentation, Danu said that the e-commerce business penetration in Indonesia is very low compared to the neighboring countries. It happened since 50% of Indonesia citizen are not yet internet literate. This what makes an e-commerce business becoming a promising business for its big market share.
Source: Ika/febugm