Moyudan Disability Community Productivity Improvements Program by UGM Students
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- Written by Putri
- Category: News
- Hits: 1327

Cited from the population data of the Yogyakarta Special Region, there are 180 people with disabilities who live in Moyudan sub-district. This number is quite large compared to the total number of persons with disabilities in Sleman Regency, which amounts to 1,862 people. Persons with disabilities in Moyudan District are members of a community called the Moyudan Disability Community. Activities from this community are currently still limited in social activities such as social gathering. This activity was considered not productive and did not add value to the Moyudan Disability community’s member themselves.
For this reason, four Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) students, i.e. Dian Puspitaningrum (Accounting S1), Anisabila Galuh Purbosari (Accounting S1), Mutiara Amalia WP (Accounting S1), and Almira Nadia Shalsabila (Regional and City Planning Engineering S1) initiated a productivity escalation program for people with disabilities. For their invaluable ideas these four students received grant from Student Creativity Program held by Indonesian Higher Education Institution (DIKTI) to help the Moyudan Disability community. Their program named PROGRESIF is a productivity escalation program by growing the entrepreneurial spirit of the Moyudan Disability community. This program aims to increase the self-efficacy of the member of the community and to add value and productivity of the community itself.
Progressive program implementation is divided into training and establishment of tie-dye batik creative industry. The training was held on 1-3 May 2019 at the Sumberrahayu Village Office and on 11 May 2019 at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada. This training consists of self-efficacy improvement training (i.e. motivational, confidence and entrepreneurship) and pre establishment of tie-dye batik creative industry training. The soft skills training provided was in the form of increased self-confidence that was filled directly by Mrs. Wuri Handayani, an accounting lecturer at FEB UGM, and Chair of the FEB UGM MSME Study Center. Mrs. Handayani’s shared her experiences in keep achieving high in its limitations as a person with physical disability.
Following up to this self-efficacy related training, the next training are facilitated by the four students. These series of training is exposed Moyudan disability community with entrepreneurship, costing and pricing techniques, marketing, photography, production, and quality control training. Upon accomplishing their training, the community started to produce tie-dye batik products and sell it through various online and offline platforms. Currently, this program has increased not only the confidence and financial independence of the community member but also increase the community’s productivity, value to its member, and enhancing the job opportunity for not only people with disabilities in Moyudan but also for others.
Source: Putri/Dep. of Accounting