Enlivening Karawitan Festival, Sekar Laras FEB UGM Performs Stunningly
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- Written by Leila
- Category: News
- Hits: 1459

Thursday (1/8), Gamelan Sekar Laras of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) performed at the Karawitan Festival which was held at Selasar Building B, Faculty of Philosophy UGM. The event, which was held to enliven the 52nd Anniversary of the Faculty of Philosophy, began promptly at 09.00 WIB. This event also collaborated with musical institutions from various faculties at UGM. Karawitan Festival took 15 teams, namely Tunjung Jene (Dharma Wanita Pusat UGM), Laras Library (UGM Library), Puspanjali (PKKH UGM), Sekar Laras (Faculty of Economics and Business UGM), Budyalaksita (Faculty of Cultural Sciences), Faculty of Agricultural Technology, PK4L UGM, Sato Laras Budaya (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine), Sospolaras (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences), Laras Manunggal (PSKK UGM), UGM UKJGS (UGM Hall), UGM Faculty of Engineering, Nglaras Ati (Faculty of Psychology), Inscription (Faculty of Cultural Sciences), and Sekar Manggis (Alumni of Purworejo 1 Senior High School).
The FEB delegation which consisted of 18 education staff and Dharma Wanita appeared in 4th place. Starting with the opening gending, namely Mars FEB UGM and Prahu Layar, Sekar Laras FEB UGM successfully lulled the audience. Pengrawit (gamelan player) is agile playing various gamelan instruments, ranging from bonang barung, kethuk, kendhang, to saron. Guided by the pelog barrel and the slendra barrel, the pengrawit succeeded in combining intonation, pathet, till working rules in the gending dish, so that they were able to present a dazzling musical performance.
"Neng, ning, nung, nang, nong," the sound of the gamelan flaunts its beautiful and melodious voice full of life's values.
Source: Leila Chanifah Z / Sony Budiarso