FEB UGM Holds Virtual Halalbihalal in the Middle of Pandemic
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- Written by Sony
- Category: News
- Hits: 1640

Eid Al-Fitr celebration has always become a tradition, where the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), always held a gathering event. However, the COVID-19 pandemic which required restrictions based on health protocols also affected the implementation of the event. The Syawalan tradition, which has been usually held directly around FEB UGM area, must be done virtually now. Nevertheless, the event was successfully held on Thursday, May 28th. By being armed with a smartphone or laptop/PC, the entire academic community of FEB UGM held a virtual halalbihalal. The event began at 08.30 am via Zoom Cloud Meeting and was also broadcasted via FEB UGM YouTube Channel.
This virtual halalbihalal was also attended by Eko Suwardi, M.Sc., Ph.D. as the Dean of FEB UGM and his staffs. Despite the virtual halalbihalal was held online, the sequence of the event was still quite the same with the usual halalbihalal, from the opening to the tausiyah. However, the handshake as a symbol of forgiving each other was done virtually. In this event, the syawalan pledge was made by Wieda Herdiana, S.S., M.Sc. (a professional staff), Luluk Lusiantoro (a lecturer), and Muhammad Fuad Najiyullah (a student).
The warm atmosphere and peace were increasingly felt when Prof. Dr. Chairil Anwar gave a tausiyah, which also ended the halalbihalal of Eid al-Fitr 1441 H celebration at the same time.
Translator: Laras OIA