Student Mental Health during a Pandemic
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- Written by Merisa
- Category: News
- Hits: 1941

The change in the condition of lectures from being face-to-face to online has had a big impact on students. As a result of this sudden change, it causes a sense of stress for some students. Coupled with the limited physical activity it becomes a barrier for students to develop themselves. Seeing this issue, the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM held a webinar on Friday (25/02) with the theme "FEBInvinity: How to Manage Stress and Creating Balance during Online Class."
This event is held online through zoom meetings and is aimed at all FEB UGM students from undergraduate and master's programs. This webinar invites speakers who are professional in their fields, namely Idei Khurnia Swasti, S, Psi., M.Psi., a Psychologist and Lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology UGM and moderated by Sarah Jessica Putri Budiane as an undergraduate management student at FEB UGM.
The webinar session opened with remarks given by Sekar Utami Setiastuti, SE, M.Sc., Ph.D. as the Head of the Undergraduate Study Program in Economics, FEB UGM. Sekar emphasized that mental health is the key to success. It can be started by knowing yourself. Sekar also advised students not to turn a blind eye to the current pandemic situation so that they are expected to be able to limit physical activity with other people.
In this webinar session hosted by Idei, he discussed stress, the characteristics of stress, and how to overcome it. He explained that mental health is a dynamic state of internal balance. The goal of mental health is to achieve emotional wellbeing, psychological wellbeing, and social wellbeing. He emphasized that mental health is not only for ourselves, but also affects those around us.
Furthermore, idei explains things that can trigger stress or what are called stressors. Among them is frustration caused by not achieving one's desires, internal conflicts, changes to situations such as a pandemic, and pressure that can come from oneself or others. One of the current conditions for students is that students experience sleep and eating disorders, worries about academic grades, and feelings of loneliness during the pandemic.
Idei also explained that there are several ways to manage stress in online lectures. The first is self-regulated learning to develop self-management. Second, group awareness that cares for each other. Third, peer assistance has a positive impact on student's motivation and ability to reflect on learning outcomes. That way, students are expected to be able to manage stress so that later good mental health will be created.
Reportage: Merisa Anggraini