Sub-Field of Study FEB UGM Reached High Rank in QS WUR 2022
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- Written by Zahra
- Category: News
- Hits: 1864

The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM has yet again won a high ranking in the QS World University Ranking 2022 by Subject. UGM was once again ranked second for the Social Sciences & Management cluster and ranked 153 at the global level. In addition, three sub-fields of study at FEB UGM also received high rankings. The Business & Management Studies subject managed to maintain a national ranking of number 1 and 201-250 at the global level. The Accounting & Finance subject managed to maintain the second national ranking and 201-250 at the global. The Economics & Econometrics subject maintained its national ranking at number 2 and attained higher in its global ranking last year, going from 351-400 to 301-350.
Reporting from the Top Universities page, there were five assessment components used in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2022 ranking. Academic reputation, employer reputation, research citations per paper, H-index or productivity benchmarks & the impact of publications published by lecturers and researchers, and lastly, the International Research Network, which reflects the ability of educational institutions to diversify international research networks by building sustainable research partnerships with other higher education institutions.
Even though FEB UGM managed to attain its high prestige in this ranking, Bayu Sutikno, S.E., M.S.M., Ph.D., Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs, said that FEB UGM has always made various efforts to improve the quality of education and its existing reputation.
FEB UGM continues to encourage research and publication of lecturers by providing research grant schemes, both competitive and collaborative research grants with additional independent research grants for each lecturer, where this program is accelerated by the publication unit in the faculty. FEB UGM also tries to prepare students and graduates to be ready to enter the workforce through STAR (Soft Skills Training and Recharging) by cooperating with alumni in the AMP (Alumni Mentorship Program). The program is driven by the Career and Student Development Unit (CSDU), which was just formed at the beginning of the year.
Not only that, to support the quality of learning, FEB UGM always reviews the curriculum with the Departments and Study Programs and prepares facilities that support hybrid learning, both synchronous and asynchronous. This seriousness is evidenced by the establishment of the Learning and Academic Production (LAMP) Unit as a driving force for the preparation of increasingly innovative online learning materials. Then, to provide maximum virtual services, FEB UGM recently launched KaVE (Virtual Office of Economics and Business) on April 1.
In the future, to continue to improve the campus’s reputation, Sutikno said FEB UGM will continue to use information technology in various learning research and activities, community service, and business process improvements. Not to mention, FEB UMG has also worked in increasing cooperation with alumni and partners both nationally and internationally.
The QS World University Rankings by Subject are compiled annually to help prospective students identify top universities in a given subject. This ranking has proven that FEB UGM is capable of becoming a competitive and high-quality faculty both at the national and global levels. This also shows the commitment of FEB UGM to contribute to the development of knowledge in the fields of accounting, management, and economics.
Reportage: Zahra Dian
Important link: QS World University Rankings for Social Sciences and Management 2022 | Top Universities