Prof. Mahfud Sholihin Leads ICMI DIY Regional’s Rising Movement
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- Written by Kirana
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The role of scholars is considered important for the progress of the nation for various reasons. One of them being that scholars play a morally important role in guarding the journey of the nation so that it remains in accordance with noble ideals and the constitution. After the Covid-19 pandemic, Muslim intellectuals who were members of the Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals Association (ICMI) rose again with all elements of Yogyakarta society. This also became the determination and vision carried by the ICMI management of the Yogyakarta Special Region Organization (DIY) for the 2022-2027 term of service.
On Monday (23/05), the ICMI DIY Regional Organization for the 2022-2027 term of service was officially inaugurated by the General Chair of ICMI, Prof. Arif Satria, which took place at the Kahar Muzakir Auditorium, Indonesian Islamic University (UII), Yogyakarta. Prof. Arif Satria advised that ICMI needs to optimize its role as a driver of change and an inspiration in the learning process. In addition, according to him, scholars also need to be the glue of diversity in society.
As the head of ICMI DIY Regional Organization 2022-2027, Prof. Mahfud Sholihin, who is also a Professor of Accounting at the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, led the rising movement supported by three vice chairmen, namely Ir. Ahmad Syauqi Soeratno, Dr. Shofiyullah Muzammil, and Dr. Khamim Zarkasih Putro. The management of his leadership will work on the conditions of a transitional phase, going from a pandemic to an epidemic. Therefore, the vision of the revival of ICMI DIY together with all elements of society will become part of the journey for the next five years.
Furthermore, Prof. Mahfud Sholihin stated that ICMI DIY is ready to become an inspiration for change that drives the progress of the people of Yogyakarta. “Muslim intellectual organizations want to be inclusive, become the axis of the house of change, inspiration, and culture," he said. He further explained, ICMI DIY will integrate ideas and implementation that puts forward real movements in various action agendas in the community and is based on the integration of the amaliah science movement and scientific charity. In addition, because the condition of society in the post-Covid-19 era requires encouragement to rise and recover, Prof. Mahfud also mentioned that it was important for ICMI DIY to enter the practical field.
ICMI DIY will continue to help ease the struggles of people affected by the Covid-19 pandemic through two main programs, namely collaboration on public policy studies with related parties and dissemination of study results in dialogue, real action, and public education. ICMI DIY is also determined to participate in guarding the maturity of the implementation of democracy towards the ideal national life according to the values based on the state's vision and mission. A nation that lives with dynamics will not be separated from problems. It is hoped that scholars will be part of the solution needed for the nation and state.
Reportage: Kirana Lalita Pristy
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