P2EB FEB UGM Collaborated in the Indonesia Infrastructure Roundtable (IIR)
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- Written by Merisa
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Indonesia for the first time held the Presidency Group of 20 (G20), a cooperation forum for 20 major economies in the world. To support this G20 activity, the T20 was formed as a form of idea to carry out the G20.group was formed force which was managed in a decentralized manner that was adjusted to the expertise of research institutions. Task Force 8 which is one of the task forces at T20 will be represented by PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (PII), Economics and Business Research and Development (P2EB) Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), and ERIA (Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia).
To support the program, PT PII, P2EB FEB UGM, and ERIA held the Indonesia Infrastructure Roundtable (IIR) on Friday, (08/07) which discussed the topic "Equitable Risk Allocation." The results of these discussions will be used as recommendations for Task Force 8. The event was opened with remarks given by Fauziah Zen Senior Economist. In her remarks, Fauziah explained that ERIA as a knowledge partner strongly supports infrastructure development in Indonesia, which is a program of the G20. He also added that one of the issues in infrastructure development is risk allocation and management. The next speech was given by Andre Permana, Ph.D. as Director of business for the Indonesian Infrastructure Guarantee Fund (PII), and Prof. Suahasil Nazara as Deputy Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia.
Discussions in the Indonesia Infrastructure Roundtable were filled with four panelists. Among them is Dr. Ir. Herry Trisaputra Zuna SE, MT as Director General for Public Works and Housing Infrastructure Financing, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing of the Republic of Indonesia, Scenaider Clasein Hasudungan Siahaan, CA., M.Sc., CIA, FRM as Deputy for Development Funding, Ministry of National Development Planning of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Luky Alfirman as Director General of Budget Financing and Risk Management, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, and Prof. Wihana Kirana Jaya, Ph.D. as Special Advisor to the Minister of Transportation, Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia.
Hengki Purwanto, SE, MA as Executive Coordinator of Task Force 8 gave points from the results of the discussions that had been carried out by the panelists. The results of these discussions can be used as a source to enrich the policy brief. The contents of these critical points include infrastructure resilience that faces external constraints, disasters, disruption, financing, and so on. Therefore, improvement efforts are needed in various matters, including regulation, institutionalization, and coordination among infrastructure supporting actors around the world.
In the panel discussion, Prof. Suahasil Nazara stated that the existing Covid-19 pandemic provides an important lesson that risks are a real sight. These risks should be made part of the planning process. In the provision of infrastructure, risk infrastructure development must also be part of a synergistic party contract. Suahasil also emphasized that in the case of Indonesia presented by the panelists, the problems that existed should not be seen from the context of the case alone, but were appointed as one of the entrances to globalizing common issues between developed and developing countries.
Reportage: Merisa Anggraini