Pre-Departure Training for FEB UGM Students International Exposure Program
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- Written by Merisa
- Category: News
- Hits: 1621

To increase students' knowledge, various programs are provided by the campus as a means to develop. One of these programs is Study Abroad. To prepare students before running the program, the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM held a Pre-Departure Training for Outgoing Students on Thursday (14/07). This activity is intended for undergraduate and master's study program students who are taking Double Degree, Exchange, and IISMA (Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards) programs.
Meanwhile, Adrian Coen, an Expatriate Lecturer at FEB UGM who has lived and known Indonesian culture for more than 20 years, provided insight into the culture that exists abroad. He explained that every experience gained when studying abroad correlates with the existing culture so that it is something that we can learn. He also explained about the different cultures between countries so that as a student who will run a lecture program abroad, he must be able to adapt to the conditions that exist there.
Furthermore, Prof. Didi Achjari M.Com., Ak., CA as the Dean of FEB UGM explained that in 2022, as many as 81 undergraduates and master's students of FEB UGM participated in the Double Degree, Exchange, and IISMA programs. Didi advised that overseas FEB UGM students not only represent themselves, but also represent faculties, universities, and also the State of Indonesia. Didi hopes students who carry out international exposure can give their best while completing their studies. He also congratulated and congratulated the students.
Luluk Lusiantoro, SE, M.Sc., Ph.D. as the Head of Reception and Exchange and International Cooperation, explained that there are several international exposure programs, including dual degree programs, exchange programs, summer programs, winter programs, and business competitions. Luluk also explained that FEB UGM's university partners are spread across several countries, including the Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Belgium, Denmark, Georgia, Germany, USA, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, and many more. Luluk explained that through the IISMA Program, students gain knowledge at universities spread across 30 countries and can be transferred into 20 credits.
Finally, Wieda Herdiana as Head of the Academic and Student Affairs Section explained three important points. First, regarding credit transfer requests and follow-up. Second, keep abreast of information developments at the student's home university, such as taking the time to check UGM email while running programs abroad. Third, the policy regarding tuition fees that must be set for students to host universities each semester
Reportage: Merisa Anggraini