FEB UGM Holds Blood Donation and Health Checkups
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- Written by Hayfaza
- Category: News
- Hits: 1180

In order to provide blood for those in need and to increase social awareness, the Economic Blood Donor (Doremi) was held on Wednesday (14/9). Doremi is a collaboration of the 67th Anniversary of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), Department of Community Social & Public Affairs Student Executive Board FEB UGM (Sosmas BEM FEB UGM), Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), and Kalbe Farma. Doremi was held in the CIMB Lounge and FEB UGM lobby.
Doremi began with an opening by the MC from the Department Sosmas BEM FEB UGM, followed by remarks by Dr. Aviandi Okta Maulana, SE., M.Acc., Ak., CA., Chairman of the 67th Anniversary of FEB UGM. Aviandi opened by thanking all the involved committees and donors. Aviandi then hoped that Doremi would become a means of donating blood for those in need, nourishing donors and increasing social awareness in the FEB UGM environment, like the motto "Give blood, save lives". Doremi then started with registration and calling the serial number for a medical check-up. Participants who pass the medical check-up are then invited to enter CIMB to start the blood donation process by PMI. After donating blood, the donor gets a bundle and consumes it. Donors also have the privilege to carry out examinations using a quantum resonance magnetic analyzer by Kalbe. Kalbe also offers free comprehensive health consultations for all donors.
Aurel Nasywa Maulidya (Accounting 2022) one of the blood donor volunteers shared her impressions on Doremi. Aurel revealed that this was her first time to donate blood. Aurel was moved to donate because she knew the many benefits of donating blood, both for herself and for others. She realized that not everyone was able and willing to donate blood, while many people needed blood. Aurel added that “After joining Doremi, I feel that this activity needs to be held every 3 months.” "Doremi is a fun activity as well as beneficial for many people," she added. "In my opinion, donating blood is not a scary thing, but a new experience that is worth trying," said Aurel.
Reportage: Hayfaza Nayottama