Management of Digital Transformation From the Perspective of Banking
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- Written by Hayfaza
- Category: News
- Hits: 480

In managing digital transformation, the Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University (MM FEB UGM) Jakarta Campus, held an Executive Series series, namely public discussions with executives of large companies in Indonesia. In this series, The Executive Series invited speakers, namely Jahja Setiaatmadja, President Director of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. The event began with remarks and opening remarks by the MM FEB UGM Jakarta Campus Study Program Director, Prof. Dr Tandelilin Eduardus, M.B.A. This Executive Series was moderated by Luluk Lusiantoro, S.E., M.Sc., PhD. The session began with a photo session with the audience, then continued with an introduction to the speaker's profile by the moderator. This event's central theme is "Accelerating Banking Digitalization Amidst Global Uncertainty".
Entering the introductory session, Jahja started with a flashback to digital transformation that had begun in 1982 but was still one-sided, for example, computing with Common Business Oriented Language (COBOL) that Jahja introduced and applied when he was Kalbe Farma's, Finance Director. Jahja remembers his college days when the purchase of goods and services was dominated by cash. Whereas now, transactions are carried out instantly through the platform. Jahja explores the process of moving from manual to digital, especially within the company.
Jahja emphasised that there are two types of corporations: conventional companies and startup companies, as well as differences in employment situations across generations and digitalisation, so synchronisation and harmonisation are needed. Jahja also invited the audience to look at the customer's perspective. In the case of BCA, most customers are seniors. Jahja emphasised that product adaptations must be user-friendly and not complicated; they must be usable by all ages. Jahja also explained the parallel concept in products, providing options for customers to choose the type of product according to their preferences and convenience. In the case of BCA, there has been a development and transition from the SMS Banking system, Internet Banking, to the most recently developed My BCA. Judging from effectiveness, it would be more effective if the old product were abolished, but BCA chose to keep it because there are still many customers who use it.
Jahja then explained the things that need attention in digital transformation, especially from a banking perspective: synchronisation of human resources, legal compliance, and risk management. Jahja also emphasised the differences in managing credit cards, debit cards, and digital wallets, especially in digital transformation. In this case, Jahja explained that in his observations, customers need convenience in an account; even though a customer has many digital wallets and accounts, in the end, he will use one main account for daily transactions and get sustainable benefits. After the presentation, the Executive Series ended with a participatory and enthusiastic question-and-answer session.
Reportage: Hayfaza Nayottama
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