The Importance of Public Speaking Ability and Developing Career Paths for Students
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- Written by Adella
- Category: News
- Hits: 323
The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM, in collaboration with KarirLab, is holding two Mandatory Soft Skills activities in May 2023. These activities are mandatory for all FEB UGM students batch 2022 from the Regular and International Undergraduate Program (IUP). On May 6 2023, the Mandatory Soft Skill activity, the fifth theme, is "Grow Your Public Speaking with Confidence". This activity occurred in the 8th Floor Auditorium Room of the LC Building (Learning Center) FEB UGM. The implementation is divided into two sessions, namely 09.00 - 11.00 WIB for Regular students and 13.00 - 15.00 WIB for IUP students.
This activity presented Cahya Wulandari, User Training & Development Manager at GovTech Edu as a guest speaker and Cita Amalia Husna as moderator. Cahya started his presentation by emphasizing the importance of having public speaking skills, especially for students. Next, a quiz was held to test each student's communication style: whether they are a controller, analyzer, supporter, or promoter. In his presentation, Cahya also gave tips on how to do good public speaking. At the end of the session, students were asked to do a public speaking simulation with friends sitting next to each other and give each other input afterwards.
Meanwhile, on May 27 2023, the Mandatory Soft Skill activity, the sixth theme, is "Designing Career Path for Economic & Business Graduates". This activity occurred in the 8th Floor Auditorium Room of the LC Building (Learning Center) FEB UGM. The implementation is divided into two sessions, namely 09.00 - 11.00 WIB for Regular students and 13.00 - 15.00 WIB for IUP students. This activity presented Tessa Saraswati, Co-founder & CEO of KarirLab, as a guest speaker for the Regular session and Maya Septriana, Career Specialist at CareerFoundry, as a guest speaker for the IUP session.
The resource person started the presentation of the material by explaining why having a career plan is very important, especially for students. Furthermore, the source emphasized that the career path is a personal matter. There is no particular truth about what career is best for humans. For example, graduates with an educational background in economics have many career choices, such as working in banking, government, companies, or academies. Furthermore, the resource person gave tips to students for carefully preparing career plans, one of which is with the principles of Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timed (SMART).
Reportage: Adella Wahyu Pradita