Five FEB UGM Study Programs Earn LAMEMBA Superior Accreditation
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- Written by Kurnia
- Category: News
- Hits: 721

Five (5) study programs at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM achieved Superior accreditation from the Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Ekonomi Manajemen Bisnis dan Akuntansi (LAMEMBA). The five study programs are the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program, the Bachelor of Business Management Study Program, the Master in Accounting Study Program, the Master in Management Study Program, Jakarta Campus, and the Doctor in Management Study Program.
The superior accreditation status for the five study programs was granted on March 20 2024. The accredited status is valid from April 30 2024 to April 30 2029.
FEB UGM Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Bayu Sutikno, S.E., M.S.M., Ph.D., said that the attainment of Superior Accreditation by LAMEMBA for the five study programs at FEB UGM is a proud achievement and worthy of gratitude. This reflects the commitment and hard work of the five study programs and all stakeholders to continuous improvement.
"The highest accreditation rating, namely Superior from LAMEMBA, achieved by five study programs at FEB UGM, is an achievement to be grateful for and proud of. This achievement is the result of the commitment and hard work of the study program and all parties to carry out continuous improvement," he said Monday (18/3) at FEB UGM.
Bayu said that FEB UGM has implemented national accreditation for study programs to improve learning quality and reputation. As of March 18 2024, field assessments have been carried out for nine study programs within FEB UGM, five of which have received LAMEMBA Superior accreditation.
"I hope that the results of the other study program’s accreditation will be announced soon and will be accredited Superior," he said.
Aside from the national accreditation, Bayu explained that FEB UGM had also undergone a Continuous Improvement Report (CIR) Visit activity by three Peer Review Teams (PRT) from AACSB International, which took place from March 1st - 6th, 2024. The three PRTs were Prof. Ping-Yu Hsu, Prof. Amanda Gudmundsson, and Prof. Ruth Banomyong. This CIR Visit is AACSB’s second accreditation series for FEB UGM since it was accredited for the first time in 2014.
Bayu hopes that with these various accreditations, all the academics will consistently and continuously improve quality, which will become an attitude and behavior inseparable from all learning activities. This is in line with FEB UGM's mission to develop future leaders in economics and business to develop aspects of sustainability.
Reportage: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum