UGM P2EB and BPD Yogyakarta Disbursed Fund for Merapi Survivors
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Economics and Business Research and Training (P2EB) of UGM Faculty of Economics and Business with BPD Sharia of Yogyakarta launched Economic Empowerment program for Merapi Disaster Survivors. A total of 6 (six) Islamic cooperatives/Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (BMT) in the region of Merapi signed this program in the Candi village, Bangunkerto, Turi, Sleman, Saturday (8/1).
The signing ceremony was witnessed by Sleman Regent, Drs. H. Sri Purnomo, Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M. Eng., Ph.D., Director of P2EB Dr. Anggito Abimanyu, M. Sc, Head of Bank Indonesia Yogyakarta, Dewi Setyowati, Director of BPD Sharia Yogyakarta, Dr. Supriyatno and the Commissioner of the Bank, Prof. Ainun Na'im, Ph.D. The BMTs that receive the fund are: Baitul Maal wat Tamwil (BMT) Sejahtera, Candi Bangunkerto, Turi, BMT Amanah Surya at the jalan Kaliurang Km 7, Gang Sengkan, Condongcatur, Depok Sleman, BMT Agawe Makmur Merapi Murangan, Triharjo, Sleman, BMT Mitra Usaha Ummah in Jankan, Widodomartani, Ngemplak, Sleman, BMT Bina Sejahtera at Jalan Turi Km 1, Blunyah, Trimulyo Sleman and BMT Surya Harapan Umat in Jetis, Argomulyo, Cangkringan, Sleman.
"Thank you for the trust and cooperation of the UGM-BPD. After the eruption of Merapi,, BPD as a commercial bank also performs a service to the community in order to strengthen the vision and mission of the BPD. Because after all the performance measures do not always come in growth, but to deliver commitment to build the economy of the community actually, "said Supriyatno in his speech.
These Sharia Cooperatives/BMTs, said Supriyatno, act as linkage institutions that channel re-financing funds to the farmers group and businessmen groups or farmerswho are included in the category of micro and small enterprises. The funding main concern given to the members of the Sharia cooperative/BMT whose members are mostly affected by the Merapi eruption, becoming victims, their houses damaged, damaged salak(snake fruit) plantation, dead animals to the destruction of infrastructure/production equipment.
“The non-program distribution like this certainly can be a model that can be developed. Therefore, as a commercial bank does not only attract more customers, but also benefits the community in an actual program," he said.
UGM Rector welcomed the channeling of funds worth 1.5 billion rupiah for victims of the Merapi eruption. Although focused on education, UGM contributes for the benefit of society. "As part of this great nation, we want to help those closest because UGM itself is located in Sleman," said the Rector.
The launching of the economic empowerment of Post-Merapi eruption program, said the Rector, serves as a reflection as well as a gathering to strengthen the banking institutions, UGM and the community because nature has a character, the group of salak farmer has a character and the group of cattle also has a character.
"The trees also have a character. Therefore, we want to learn as well as strengthen financially. This is a contribution to the prosperity, and BI, BPD Yogyakarta and UGM want to establish closer relations, especially in Sleman," he concluded.
Source: Agung