fbpixel Economics and Business Research and Development Agency - Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis UGM

Economics and Business Research and Development Agency (EBReDA), is an unit at the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), was officially established on July 1st, 2010. EBReDA FEB UGM was formed from the merger of units in the FEB UGM consisting of Economics Research and Development (PPE), Management Research and Development (PPM), Accounting Research and Development (PPA), Language Training Center (PB), Business and Economics Data Center (PDBE), Center for Good Corporate Governance (CGCG), and the Institue of Islamic Economics and Business (LEBI).

EBReDA FEB UGM is highly committed to organizing excellent training and research for the development of knowledge in the area of economics and business as well as organizing activities related to community services. The achievement of the commitment requires that all elements of EBReDA FEB UGM work professionally and be able to respond immediately to various needs and problems pertaining to economy and business, knowledge development, the public and private sectors, and the community. EBReDA FEB UGM as an institute under FEB UGM is also a means to support FEB UGM as a faculty of research as well as supporting UGM to be a world-class research university.

Vision and Mission

  • Vision
    To be an excellent and credible institute for research and training that serves as the motor for FEB UGM as an education-oriented faculty.
  • Mission
    • Building the reputation of P2EB FEB UGM as a reference for methods, processes, and results of policies, studies, advocacy, and community services.
    • Improving and gaining the trust of stakeholders through the integrity and professionalism of P2EB FEB UGM.
    • Establishing P2EB FEB UGM as a driver for the faculty’s research and development through: (1) improving synergy between the theoretical and applied advances; (2) updating the methods and topics of research, training, publication, and consultancy in the academic community that are required to broaden the perspectives of knowledge, skills and teaching competence; (3) Providing support and facilities for the development of ideas, methods and theories of the academic community of FEB UGM in economics and business.

Organizational Culture and Foundation

P2EB FEB UGM always underpins all its activities with implementation based on the philosophy of Pancasila as laid out in  the 1945 Constitution, and UGM’s basic values of  upholding the principles of professionalism and morality. In addition, the various activities of P2EB FEB UGM are also imbued with the following principles:

  • Managing the organizations and activities correctly
  • We maintain a commitment
  • Humility to serve all parties
  • Consistency in attitude and action
  • Independent


  1. Macro, Global Economics, and Modern Financial Sectors
    • Fiscal Policy, Decentralization and Taxation
    • Public Financial Management
  2. Energy Sector and Climate Change
  3. Syariah Economy and Finance
  4. Creative Economy
    • Business Development and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
    • Entrepreneurship and Economic Empowerment
  5. Economic and Risk Modelling
    • Risk Management & Experimental Model
    • Quantitative Modelling
  6. Business Development, Corporate Governance Issues, and Reporting Standard
    • Corporate Policies: IPO, Business Ethics, Human Resources, Investment, Strategic Business
    • Code of conduct
    • Accounting Standard
  7. Social Development
    • Education, Health Sectors & Welfare
    • Pro-Poor Program


  • Research
    P2EB has been continuously conducting various research on economics and business by employing internal staff of P2EB and the academic community, both inside and outside UGM. P2EB develops research to formulate various economic and business problems both in private and public organizations. In addition, it is expected that the research results can be used to support knowledge development.
  • Training
    P2EB designs and organizes trainings in workshops and seminars as an effort to  develop the quality of human resources both for business and public organizations. P2EB’s training design is continually developed to keep in line with the advances in technology, economic changes, business competition mapping as well as advances in social science, especially related to the economy both at the national and international levels. The method used in the training is experiential learning which is conducted using an interactive, independent and visionary teaching learning process. The training can be also designed so that it is a tailor-made to the client's specific needs.
  • Consultation and Community Services
    P2EB provides reliable consultancy services using particular concepts and techniques that have been developed in the following domains:
    • Accounting Management System
    • Auditing
    • Banking
    • Economy
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Financial and Investment Management
    • Human Resource Management
    • Market Survey
    • Marketing Management
    • Management Information System
    • Operational Management
    • Project Evaluation / Feasibility Study
    • Syariah Business
    • Strategic Management
    • Tax

Consultancy services are offered to give accurate, comprehensive and ongoing solutions to economic and business problems. Furthermore, this service is also supported by a number of experts from various disciplines with high-levels of academic background and broad practical experience. P2EB also conducts programs and activities as a means to involve in the community development.

Publications and Data Base

P2EB publishes the research conducted by P2EB and the academic community of FEB UGM. This publication service aims to disseminate rich and useful research resources for knowledge development. In addition, P2EB also has built an economics and business database to support learning, research and training activities. It is meant to serve both internal units and programs of FEB UGM as well as external parties. The available database includes data on capital markets, mutual funds, obligations, monetary indicators, and so forth.


Economics and Business Research and Development Agency (EBReDA) - Faculty of Economics and Business UGM
Pertamina Tower Building, second floor
Jln. Sosio Humaniora No.1 Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281
Phone : (0274) 548510 ext. 213/210. 580765 / 580731  
Fax : (0274) 520765 / 580231 / 580762
Mobile : 0812 270 40000
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website : www.p2eb.feb.ugm.ac.id