Tri Widodo Sign Top 25 Economists Indonesia, IDEAS version
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Hobbies write not previously exist in the minds of Tri Widodo, M.Ec.Dec., Ph.D, the lecturer of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM. However, who would have thought of writing his hobbies include writing in international journals made it into the top 25 economists world from Indonesia whose name is entered in the IDEAS journal in July 2012. IDEAS is known as one of the world's largest international economics journal that contains more than 1.2 million items of research in economics.
"It contains the world's largest database of economists writing, including from Indonesia," said Tri Widodo, Monday (10/9).
The Chairman of Department of Economics FEB UGM, said he was in the top 25 economists Indonesia and coupled with several other economists such as UI, IPB, Universitas Siah Kuala and UNPAD Bandung. According to Tri Widodo far he is diligent enough to write to international journals both online as well as those recorded. There are at least 32 international journals that had already contains writings.
"Of the 32 international journals journals that 6 of them are members of IDEAS," he said.
The rating by IDEAS like this, said Tri Widodo, in abroad is very useful for assessing lecturer performance. He cited a professor abroad can be calculated again to be removed if it does not meet the number of posts published in international journals. According to a growing number of writings published in the international journal allowing the more our paper to be cited (referenced) by other researchers.
"Degree professor overseas this time there is a contract system. Moreover instance do not get the paper in the international journal," said the man born in Yogyakarta, June 28, 1971.
Tri Widodo which began enjoys writing in international journals since 2007, said an article published in the journal as well as a form of accountability to the public. On the other hand he is also considered a circular of Higher Education about the publication of scientific papers in the journal as a trigger so that lecturer and students so more diligent in writing.
"We take the positive side only so that students and lecturer diligently keeping a journal," he said.
On that occasion he also mentions some of his articles that have been published as: "Dynamic changes in comparative advantage: Japan 'flying geese' model and its implications for China" and "Comparative Advantage: Theory, Empirical Measures and Case Studies".
Additionally it contains 1.2 million items of research journals IDEAS also have more information about 12 thousand economic institute, 33 thousand authors who have registered with RePEc author service, and about 37 thousand NEP reports in 92 areas.