FEB Team Won Management Case Analysis Competition 2017 held in Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Achievement
- Hits: 27414

Undergraduate Students team of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM consisted of Farhan Noer Widagdo (Management 2014), Dwi Wisnu Pradana (Management 2014) dan Abdul Qodri Susamto (Management 2014) won the first place in Management Case Analysis Competition, M-SESSION 2017 held by Association of Management Students Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto, on 30 October-3 November 2017.
M-Session is annual event, which brought "Create Your Chance and Be The Pioneer of Change." as the big theme. This competition held in 3 stages, which were;The Pre-Case, Semi Final, and Final. 16 teams who passed the Pre-case selection stage competed in Semi Final. Five of them got to fight in the final stage. Those five teams were from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Diponegoro, and 2 teams were from Universitas Pembangunan Negara.
The competition selected 3 main champions, best teams, and best photo teams. FEB UGM team succeeded to win the 1st prize.
Source: Qodri/FEB