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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Achievement
- Hits: 232246

A student team from Faculty of Economics and Business UGM who joined Management Team succeeded to be the first winner in Regional CIMB ASEAN Stock Challenge 2.0 (ASC 2.0). Those students are Muhammad Bilal Szulqo’dah Martisen (Management 2015), I Made Tri Meichel Mastra (Management 2015), and Atika Nisrina Dewi (Management 2014).
The team leader, Muhammad Bilal, said in the competition they won over several prestigious universities, including the National University of Singapore, The University of Cambodia, Management and Science University Malaysia, Chiang Mai University Thailand, and Polytechnic Brunei.
"Management Team becomes the best among 3,727 undergraduate student teams who come from 200 universities in ASEAN region," said Bilal on Monday (15/1).
Bilal further said his team won USD12,999 in cash and a study trip to Tokyo Stock Exchange. At the final stage, as many as six finalist teams presented their marketing strategy in front of the juries where they proposed strategic planning and investment steps concerning long-term prospect and strong fundamental.
"Each team is evaluated based on their short and long-term investment strategies, their capability in selecting stock and making the decision for investment, as well as their skill in utilizing predictive analytics," he added.
The team’s supervisors, Eddy Junarsin, Ph.D. and Dr. I Wayan Nuka Lantara, said this victory shows their capability in maximizing the students’ talent in the financial sector through a relevant and world standard educational process at UGM. By using fundamental, technical, and predictive analytics methods, those brought the team to be a winner in Indonesian and ASEAN, defeating world class university like National University of Singapore (NUS).
"This achievement is expected to encourage UGM academic community to be the front-line player in financial market sector," said Eddy.
Meanwhile, Group Chief People Officer, CIMB Group, Dato’ Hamidah Naziadin, said as one of the famous universal banks in ASEAN, CIMB has a responsibility to develop South East Asia which includes the development of young generation and talented people in the region.
"ASC 2.0 is one of our ways to make the young generation realize that ASEAN has potential to encourage ASIA which has been predicted to strongly grow. Digitalization, particularly in the stock exchange, is considered to erase the boundaries and provide big opportunities, however, it has yet to be fully utilized," said Dato’ Hamidah.
Source: Satria/UGM