Accounting Students Achieved 3rd Place Competition of #100 Tahun Indonesia Kompas Muda
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Achievement
- Hits: 226502

An essay titled "E-Commerce Meluas, Pasar Nyata Mulai Pasang Strategi Baru" written by Tyas Hayuwati (Accounting 2017), Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) has won the 3rd place in #100TahunIndonesia Essay Competition held by Kompas Muda, a part of Harian Kompas which specifically organized #MuDA, a rubric in the newspaper.
The Essay Competition was held together with #100 Tahun Indonesia Vlog Competition, on August 10 - October 27, 2017 with awarding’s event on December 18, 2017 at Kompas Office, Jakarta. Essay and Vlog Competition aims to see the youth’s insight about Indonesia’s Face at the age of 100 years. The competition has four main themes: creative industry, corruption, bureaucracy, and market existence.
Essay assessment based on criterias such as theme conformity, data and arguments strength, solution offered, and writing techniques. The three best essays (1st winner, 2nd winner, and 3rd winner) were directly determined by the Jury who were expert in writing and journalism such as Aan Mansyur (Writer), Budiman Tanuredjo (Editor-in-Chief of Kompas), Savic Ali (Director of NU Online), Indira Permanasari and Andreas Maryoto (Kompas Journalist).
Source: Tyas/FEB