FEB Students Win 1st Place in Management National Business Case and Expopreneur 2 at Satya Wacana Christian University
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- Written by Fris
- Category: Achievement
- Hits: 1881

'Awesome' is a word that describe Management National Business Case and Expopreneur 2. The topic of the competition is "Technological Developments for the Modern Era Business." The theme is all about technology within the company, which is taken from real life situation of companies that struggle in the technological sector. Nowadays, everything is digital, which force companies and societies to do their activities with digital platform.
The team from FEB UGM named Dreamliner consisting of Made Bilan Asasi Binov (Management 2016), M. Sulthan Farrras N. (Management 2016) and Ronald Andika (Management 2016) won 1st place and best presentation in Management National Business Case and Expopreneur 2 on 21 - 23 March 2018 at Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga.
The goal of Management National Business Case and Extopreneur 2 2018 is to find solutions from the problems that companies face today. We hope, the solutions from the participants could answer the companies’ problems especially in technological sector. There are 12 team participants came from Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Jakarta, Solo dan Bali. The competition consists of two phases, which are pre-case and final round. The judges came from lecturer, practitioner, and also from PT Formulatrix. All Management National Business Case and Extopreneur 2 committees hope that the participants contribute more for Indonesia’s transformation in business sector.
Source: Fris