FEB Students Won 2nd Place in Shariah Economics Advancement at Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga
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- Written by Bayu
- Category: Achievement
- Hits: 1522

Delegates from the Shariah Economics Forum UGM and FEB UGM, namely Adam Adhe Anugerah (Management 2016), Dion Saputera Arbi (Economics 2017), and Muhamad Bayu Prakoso (Economics 2017) has signed for Paper Sharia Economics Advancement Sunan Kalijaga (SEASUKA), organized by the Islamic Economics and Business Forum (ForSEBI) of the State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga on April 4th to April 6th 2018.
The event was held at the Campus of Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Yogyakarta. Total 10 teams from 14 universities such as Universitas Gadjah Mada University, Brawijaya University, Islamic University of Indonesia, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Airlangga University, Brawijaya University, Trunojoyo Madura University, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Brawijaya University, Darussalam University Gontor and Semarang State University were participating the event.
In this competition FEB UGM delegates was included in the subtheme of Fintech Design to Support Islamic Creative Economy. They were presenting Scientific Writing (KTI) entitled "MOSGUE: Information Provider Platform, Big Economic Data, and Mosque Management By Implementing Blockchain Technology as a Solution to People's Economic Problems".
KTI itself is about the implementation of Blockchain to improve the image of mosque's financial system and the equity of mosque social fund throughout Indonesia by adopting the concept of simas.kemenag.go.id and BAZNAS website. KTI is very well received by the juries who are academics from UIN, Fintech Practitioners in Indonesia and America.
FEB UGM delegates has brought pride to UGM by winning 2nd place on the competition. On the other hand, the 1st Winner is obtained by delegates from State University of Surabaya and 3rd Winner took by delegates from Trinojoyo University of Madura. We are all hoping that each UGM delegates still going strong from this time forward and will won any future competitions ahead.
Source: Muhamad Bayu Prakoso