FEB Students Won 3rd Place in Essay Competition Development Economics Event 2018 at Universitas Katolik Parahyangan
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- Written by Lutfiyah
- Category: Achievement
- Hits: 1460

Faculty of Economics and Business UGM sent a team consisting of Gabriel Pierre (Economics 2015), Laurncius Wachyu Ch. (Economics 2015), and Lutfiyah Sungkar (Economics 2015) and they won the 3rd place in Development Economics Event (DEE 2018) which was held by Universitas Katolik Parahyangan on 27th of April 2018.
DEE is a competition organized by Education and Public Relation Department of Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Studi Ekonomi Universitas Katolik Parahyangan who has been in their second year. This year, DEE has a theme "Exploring maritime economic opportunities to achieve sustainable development goals" for this year competition. All participants submitted their final paper to the judge committee in the first round. Our paper is regarding the limited access to finance their economic activities that is faced by fisherman in Indonesia.
Financial problem in fisherman cooperatives has been a vicious cycle which have happened for many years. We argued that we must cut off the cycle right now with collaboration between fishermen with stakeholders. The 5 teams who get selected to the final were (UGM team A, UGM team B, UI, ITS, and IPB) We had to create a poster to present our paper and we were asked to attend the seminar at Bank Indonesia, in Bandung Branch. Each team’s poster was displayed at the auditorium of Bank Indonesia. All assessment components were calculated to decide champion for the DEE 2018, and Universitas Gadjah Mada had won the 3rd place.
Source: Lutfiyah Sungkar