FEB UGM Student Team Wins 1st Place in the Call for Paper IQTISHODUNA 2018 at Universitas Airlangga
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- Written by Khusnul
- Category: Achievement
- Hits: 1677

The undergradaute student team of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, consisting of Faridatul Istiqomah (Economics 2016), Hasibuana Laras Kinanti (Economics 2016), and Khusnul Khalifah (Economics 2016), won first place at the Seminar and Call for Paper IQTISHODUNA 2018 at Airlangga University, October 15-20, 2018.
IQTISHODUNA is an annual event organized by the Islamic Economics Student Association of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Airlangga University (FEB UNAIR). In IQTISHODUNA 2018 there are 3 (three) sub-events, iSlamic Economics Olympiad (SEO), Seminar and Call For Paper (SCFP), and Sharia Fair (SF).
The main theme of this year's call for paper is "Optimizing Islamic Economics Potencies to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals." The scientific paper competition was held on September 16, 2018, followed by 10 finalists who passed from 97 teams from all over Indonesia. In the final round, 5 selected teams from the presentation round must complete the case study given impromptu, then present the results of the team discussion while answering questions related to the case solutions that have been presented. With a paper entitled "Holistic Index sebagai Indikator Komprehensif berbasis Maqashid Syariah: Meningkatkan Kualitas Human Capital untuk Pembangunan yang Berkelanjutan," the UGM team was selected as the first winner and the next winner was the student team from the Indonesian Education University, and followed by a team of students from the University of Indonesia as the third winner.
Source: Khusnul Khalifah