FEB UGM Students Won General Champion of Online Stock Trading Competition OPPO Stocks In Your Hand 2019
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- Written by Bilal
- Category: Achievement
- Hits: 2918

FEB UGM students team managed to won the 1st, 2nd and 3rd champion in the OPPO Stocks in Your Hand 2019, it is an online stock trading competition held by OPPO Indonesia, a leading smartphone manufacturer and CNCB Indonesia in collaboration with the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The competition takes place on February 18th – 22th, 2019 at the Indonesia Stock Exchange, Jakarta.
Participants in the OPPO Stocks in Your Hand online stocks trading competition were not only from students but also open to public. Each team containing 5 participants was given an asset value of Rp. 1 billion which was then competed for 5 days to obtain capital gains or the biggest profit. Participants with the greatest profits will later win the competition.
In his opening remarks as well as closing the stock trading on Friday, 22 February, 2019, Director of Finance and Human Resources of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Risa Effennita Rustam said that she welcomed the stock trading competition Oppo Stocks in Your Hand 2019 positively. This competition is considered to have contributed to investment education especially for students regarding the capital market. Thus, it is expected to be able to help achieve IDX target in increasing the number of domestic investors, especially the millennial generation. “The winners are expected to be able to hone their skills and knowledge about the capital market industry," Risa said on the IDX. The weekend closing ceremony of the IDX trade was also witnessed by Detiknetwork's Managing Director Abdul Aziz, Editor in Chief of CNBC Indonesia.com Wahyu Daniel, Editor in Chief of CNBC Indonesia TV Hera F. Haryn and OPPO Indonesia management.
In accordance to the agenda, on the occasion the winners of the Oppo Stocks In Your Hand competition were also announced. Lorong Trader team consist of Albert Adiel (Management-IUP 2015), Farhan Taufik Arrahman (Management-IUP 2015), Stefano Amandhika (Management-IUP 2015), Ghifaridho Yudo Yuwono (Accounting 2015) and Jonathan Imanuel (Industrial Technology 2015 - Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya Jakarta) came out the first winner by gaining a profit of Rp 395 million. The second team, A Cap consist of Muhammad Bilal Z. M. (Management 2015), Satya Teguh (Economics-IUP 2015) Qonita Suci Febrianti (Law 2014), Allysa Qurrotu’ainy Ciremai (International Relation 2017 - UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta) and Bobby Bramantyo Subiakto (Technobiolgy 2015 - Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya Jakarta) became the second winner with a profit of Rp. 394 million, only slightly adrift. The third winner fell to the IE Strong team consist of Naffia Basuki (Economics-IUP 2015), M. Helmi Patria D. (Economics 2015), Sonny Adam Dubois (Economics-IUP 2015), Rahmad Fitrian Prabowo (Management 2015) and Praditya Mohammad Sondy (Accounting-IUP 2015) with a gain of Rp 386 million.
Source: M. Bilal Z.M.