Sixteen companies hold direct recruit on FEB's graduates
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A number of sixteen companies directly recruiting graduates of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Gadjah Mada. Some companies such as Toyota Astra Motor, Bank Mandiri, Artaboga, Indonesia Stock Exchange, Danareksa, Coca Cola Amatil, and Standard Chartered.
Vice Chairman of Research and Academic Programs Master of Management (MM) UGM, Nurul Indarti, said the direct recruitment firms in Career Days FEB UGM held regularly twice a year. Aiming to bridge the faculty alumnus in the world of work. Simultaneously facilitate companies that require human resource graduates from FEB UGM. "We want to give them a chance to get a better chance to get a job," said Nurul at the opening of The 13th Career Days FEB UGM at MM UGM Hall, on Tuesday (11/06).
Nurul said the quality of FEB graduates considerable position in the world of work. Direct recruitment process is expected to bring companies with job seekers. "Much like matchmaker, we want to bring together demand and supply," she said.
Committee Chairman of Career Day FEB UGM, Nian Reviana, said direct recruitment event held for nine days, November 5 to 14. Each day, each company has a schedule to conduct psychological tests and interviews with the applicants.
Different from previous direct recruitment process, said Reviana, the company took part in career day this time is quite varied, not only from banks, but also the field of automotive companies, manufacturing, and consumer goods. "So far the image of FEB Graduates works into banking and finance. We also try to bring non-financial firms," she added.
Recruitment Section Head, PT. Toyota Astra Motor, Angela Patricia, said Toyota for the first time doing direct recruitment at FEB UGM. Because the company was in need of graduates with the competencies in business and economics. "Incidentally, we are need manager candidates," she said.
Source: gusti/ugm