Call For Paper: Accelerating Social Economy, Entrepreneurship, and Accounting Amidst Global Crisis
- Details
- Category: Event
- Hits: 3429
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB), Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada, invites researcher and practitioners in the field of Economics, Business, and Accounting to participate in JIEB Call For Paper.
Sub Topic Economics:
- Global Economy's Recovery: Opportunities and Risks
- Assessing the Impact of Global Downturns on Indonesian Growth, poverty, and inequality
- Accelerating Financial inclusion for the poor and SME
- Evaluating subsidies and strategies for the poor
- Energy and Food Security
- The Economics of Happiness
- The Economics of Social Protection
Sub Topic Business and Accounting:
- Social reporting and accounting
- Small Medium size Enterprises accounting
- The role of social entrepreneurs and Innovation on Indonesian Business
- Forensic audit and accounting
- The Role of social networking for social business
- Managing social capital for sustainable enterprises
Submission Guidelines:
Authors are invited to submit applications in accordance with the research and paper writing procedures ( The author should provide information on the front page of papers, include: paper title, author name, affiliation, postal address, phone, fax, and e-mail from the author, an abstract of about 250 words, and about five keywords. Number of paper pages maximum of 30 pages in A4 size paper with double space, and Times New Roman font size 12 pt.
Important dates:
- Deadline for the submission: August 31, 2012
- Announcement: September 21, 2012
Six nominees will be selected and invited to present his writings on JIEB Best Paper Award 2012 Seminar's, for the winner given money and priorities to be published in the Journal of Economics and Business premises.
For further information please contact:
Secretariat Office of Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business, FEB UGM
Economics and Business Building, 3rd floor west wing
Jln. Sosio Humaniora No:01 Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281
Tel. +62 274 551209
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