The First Annual Yogyakarta Economics and Business International Conference 2013
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- Category: Event
- Hits: 2961
As a manifestation of our commitment to keep on developing economics and business, Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia, will present its first annual Yogyakarta Economics and Business International Conference 2013 (YEBIC2013). We invite scholars, researchers, and practitioners who are interested to present their papers in area of economics, business, and accounting. This opportunity could be used as a way to broaden their international networks, meet and exchange the latest ideas and discuss issues on economics and business.
We are now accepting submissions in any area related to economics, business, and accounting fields. For details of research areas, please look at major fields of research. Your paper must be submitted online and are subject to blind-peer review of our board of editors of three journals and committee. All presented papers will be published in a conference proceeding with ISBN number. We will provide you a letter of acceptance or invitation letter for your visa application or financial sponsorship from your institution. You are encouraged to submit your paper at the earliest time possible.
Held in Yogyakarta, participants will also have the chance to immerse themselves in the glory and tantalizing charm of the city that is known for its rich heritage and culture. Aside from the old-world charm of royalty that can be spotted in the most city-dwellers daily life, Yogyakarta is also known as a melting pot for cultures from across the nations due to its position as Indonesia's education capital. Therefore, participants will be returning with a sweet thing to remember and different insight about this magnificent cultural city.
Conference Themes:
- Accounting:
- International Financial Reporting Standard
- Shariah Accounting
- Forensic Audit and Accounting
- Sustainability Accounting and Reporting
- Strategic Management Accounting
- Internet Financial Reporting
- Corporate Governance
- Public Sector Governance
- Audit Quality
- Business:
- Marketing
- Socio Marketing
- E-marketing
- Service Marketing
- Cross Cultural Marketing
- Tourism Marketing
- Human Resource, Strategy, Operation, and Innovation
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Business Innovation and Modeling
- Supply Chain Management
- Quality Management
- Business Ethics
- Business Sustainability
- Harm Issues in Global Business
- Finance
- Financial Environment of Business
- Financial Management
- Stock Market
- Investment and Risk Management
- Islamic Business
- Islamic Marketing
- Islamic Finance
- Economics:
- Macroeconomic performance and policy
- Public finance and fiscal decentralization
- Structural change and sectoral growth
- Industrialization and deindustrialization
- Impacts of globalization
- Shariah banking, finance and economics
- Urban growth, mega cities, and regional development
- Regional autonomy, competitiveness and decentralization
- Poverty, human development, and inquality
- ASEAN economic community
- Small Medium Enterprises
- Industrial clusters and growth
- 30 September 2013, Submission deadline for abstract
- 7 October 2013, Notification of acceptance for selected abstracts
- 7 November 2013, Submission deadline for full paper
- 20 November 2013, Notification of acceptance for selected full papers
- 20 December 2013, Yogyakarta Economics and Business International Conference 2013
For further information please visit