Book Review: Percepatan Pembangunan dan Kemandirian Kampung: Memahami 'Gagasan Gila' Bantuan 1 Miliar Rupiah Tiap Tahun untuk Kampung Gaya YW
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- Category: Event
- Hits: 2084
Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada will held a Book Review with the headline: Percepatan Pembangunan dan Kemandirian Kampung: Memahami "Gagasan Gila" Bantuan 1 Miliar Rupiah Tiap Tahun untuk Kampung Gaya YW (by: Regent of Keerom Mr. Yusuf Wally, SE, MM) and assessment cooperation with the Government of Keerom, Papua.
Book review will be held on:
- Day and Date : Thursday, October 24, 2013
- Time : 15:00 to 17:00 pm
- Venue : Kertanegara Room, 2nd floor east wing, FEB UGM
- Bambang Purwoko, M.A (Chairman of the team Pokja Papua UGM)
- Prof. Lincolin Arsyad, Ph.D (Director of MM FEB UGM)
Moderator: Dr. Artidiatun Adji, M.Ec (Director of MEP FEB UGM)
For further information contact Dean's Office, 0274 548510 ext 103.