National Seminar: Economic Maneuver to Name Indonesia the World Maritime Axis
- Details
- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Event
- Hits: 2798
The National Seminar is the opening event of GMAD 2015, which will be held in Gadjah Mada Accounting Days (GMAD) 2015. This year, the national seminar will have the theme "JALASVEVA JAYAMAHE!" which means "On the sea we are supreme," with the sub-theme "Economic Maneuver to Name Indonesia the World Maritime Axis."
The national seminar will be held on:
- Day, date: Saturday, May 9, 2015
- Time: 07:30 AM - 02:00 PM
- Venue: Ballroom HARPER Hotel. Jln. P. Mangkubumi No. 52, Yogyakarta.
- Prof. Mardiasmo, MBA., Akt. (Deputy Minister Of Finance Of Republic Of Indonesia)
- Susi Pudjiastuti* (Marine and Fisheries Minister of the Republic Of Indonesia)
- Ir. Tommy Hermawan, MA. (The Directorate of Marine and Fishery Of BAPPENAS)
- Prayanto Yugi (Vice-Chairman Of KADIN, Marine and Fishery Fields)
- Juniati Gunawan, Ph.D. (Lecturer ot Universitas Trisakti)
Keynote Speech: Prof. Dr. Bambang Sudibyo, MBA. (Minister of Education of the Republic of Indonesia 2004-2009, Minister of Finance of the Republic Of Indonesia 1999-2001)
Moderator: Nabila Nur Fajrina (Student of FEB UGM)
Registration: Central Library of Universitas Gadjah Mada, FEB UGM Breezeway , Gramedia Yogyakarta (Fee Rp90.000,00)
For further information please contact: 081399367895 (Tama) / 0896367699676 (Luhur), or read the information in GMAD 2015 website: or follow Twitter: @gmad_2015
*) on confirmation